Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
Help Archie keep everyone safe by reading and sharing his Fire Safety Posts!
GUYS! GUYS!! Now is when you get to see Mum’s ‘mazing picturemovie of MRS. WATERBOTTOM’S MARCH OF THE DUCKLINGS 2020!! Seriousface!! So skootch on in for crying out Pete, ‘cuz it is gonna put big piles of Happy in your Heart!! Promiseface!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
GUYS!! GUYS!! There is lotsa rainingdrops in the outsideplace this daytimes, butt that is no biggie 'cuz me plus Mirabelle are still having gigantical piles of HappyFunTimes!! YUP!! That is 'cuz her doctoranarians say she can do littlebits of goofballery plus bestiewrestling a 'gain!! Check it out with your very own lookingmarbles and stuff!!
You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
GUYS!! GUYS!! Skootch on in, 'cuz bleeve you me you don't wanna miss this 'MAZING picturemovie I made all by my lonesome!! It is of our Mirabelly doing her fishcloset exercizery!! YUP!! Plus … PROLLY it will put big piles of Happy in your Heart!! PROLLY!! Check it out!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
Here it is, everybuddy!! 😊❤️ The picturemovie from when Mirabelle went onna HappyHeartMission with me to WESTERN ENGINEERING is here!! Skootch on in to check it out and stuff, K? K!! H❤️ H❤️ H❤️
Here it is, everybuddy!! My BirthdayPartytimes picturemovie and stuff!! Yup!! MUM just finished builderating it, so now is when I get to share it with you!! Skootch on in 'cuz HappyFunTimes is NOWABOUTS!! Yes!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Hi guys!! It is ME, Archie Brindleton, your bestest buddypal!! Yup!! Here is a sooperfun picturemovie of me in my Pirate Red Footsieboots!! Skootch on in so's you can check it out!! Hee hee!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
WAKEYWAKEY, EGGS'NBAKEY, EVERYBUDDY!! Me plus Mirabelle are visiting our friendlypal MELLISSA MILLET at the shinynew IN DOGS WE TRUST learningschool!! Yes!! It is 'MAZING in here, plus you can watch ME do agilitygames inna picturemovie!! You will see!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
happyMerryWeekendtimes, everybuddy!! It is a 'mazing in the outsideplace nowabouts with big piles of stinkywarm degrees and everythings!! Yup!! That is how come me plus Mirabelle are doing splishysplash goofballery in our BLOO PUDDLEPOND!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
GOODMORNINGTIMES, GUYS!! Me plus Mum plus Pop are taking Mirabelle to the doctoranarian for getting picturestories of her insideparts, so for this morningtimes, 'stead of like normaltimes, I have a sooperfun picturemovie for sharing with you!! YES!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! Golly!! It is a Holidaytimes here in the Canadaplace (Labour Day Monday), butt me plus Mirabelle wanna share with you this AMAYZAZING sneakypeek from when Mum plus Pop got hitcherated, K? K!! So skootch on in and stuff, guys!! Yes!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Guys!! Guys!! Did you know!!?? AUGUSTimes number 13 is Mirabelle's ADOPTAVERSARY!! Yup!!So to make sure she had big piles of HappyFunTimes, POP got out her most favouritist toy... the FLIRT POLE!! Check it out!! 😊😊😊
HappyMerryWeekendtimes, everybuddy!! Check out this sooperfun picturemovie of me, Archie Brindleton at CITY HALL getting recognized by MisterMayor for alla my community service and stuff!! Yup!! Have a realgood looksee, plus I will see you for the Monday Morningtimes, K? K!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
It is finallytimes all done, everybuddy!! Skootch on in so's you can watch Mum's sooperfun picturemovie of ME, Archie Brindleton getting my 2017 Fire Marshal's Public Fire Safety Council FIRE SAFETY AWARD!! Yup!! You will see!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Howdy, everybuddy!! It is me, Archie Brindleton helping my Mirabelly share with you a sooperfun picturemovie Mum made at Mirabelle's HappyHappy BirthdayPartyTimes!! Yup!! It is a 'MAZING, plus I am thinkingthoughts it will prolly put Happy in your Heart!! Prolly!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Hidey-Ho everybuddy!! Goodmorningtimes too!! For this shinynew morningtimes I am sharing a sooperfun picturemovie from my HappyHeartMission to BEREAVED FAMILIES OF ONTARIO- SOUTHWEST REGION!! It is gonna put Happy in your Heart!! You will see!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Guys!! Guys!! This is my firstest episode of... ARCHIE SAYS HI!!, plus it is a sooper'portant one for reals!! Yes!! So watch the picturemovie, plus read alla the wordybits, plus if you can help my friendlyfriends at THE SECRETS OF RADAR MUSEUM..... that would be AWESOMETIMES!! 😊💜
Here it is, everybuddy!! A teensy, butt sooperspecial picturemovie of me plus Mum doing nappingtimes!! You will see!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Skootch in sooperclose, 'cuz for this nightynightimes me plus Mirabelle are gonna give a whole 'nother brainlearning lesson on how to make a perfectal SQUISHYFACE COZYPILE!! Yup!! You will see!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Check it out, everybuddy!! This picturemovie is from when me plus Mirabelle plus COUSIN ELLIE went walkingtimes with our bestest friendlyfriends at THE FRIENDLY GROOMER!! Yup!! 😊😊😊
Here it is, everybuddy!! A sooperfun picturemovie of when me plus Cousin Ellie shared our number FORE BirthdayPartyTimes!! Yup!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Skootch in close, everybuddy!! Times for a 'nother sooperfun picturemovie!! This times it is of when me plus Mirabelle did zoomers to our 'roundthebackyard to find it was full-up with wintertimes fluffystuff!! IKNOW!! 😜😜😜
Guys!! Guys!! Me plus Mirabelle just took SkyrollerBloo to get all sparklyclean inna raincloset that is just for rollycars!! Yup!! It was sooperweird, butt sorta fun too!! Wanna see!!?? 😜😝😀............
Skootch in close everybuddy, 'cuz you are gonna see twenny Frenchiefriends all dressed up in costumeclothes exploradventuring onna wildertrail!! Yup!! It is full-up with bellychuckles plus awesometimes!! 🎃💜🎃💜🎃💜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Times for skootching in sooperclose for watching a shinynew picturemovie of a whole pile (8) of Frenchies having HappyFunTimes exploradventuring on a wildertrail!! 😊💜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is the times for..... ZOOMERS GOOFBALLERY WITH MY MIRABELLE!! Yes!! Me plus Mirabelle had big piles of HappyFunTimes at St. Julien Park, plus we want to share it with you guys!! Sorry 'bout the noisiness, butt there was lots'nlots of blusterpuffs that daytimes!! You will see!!
Here it is, everybuddy!! A sooperfun picturemovie of my Mirabelle when she was just a teensy juniorperson!! Get ready for getting punched in the emotions, K? K!! Hee hee!! 💜 💜 💜
This is our bestest friendlypal MARCEL's birthdaytimes, guys!! Truestory!! We went to a 'mazing puddlepond party for him on the Sundaytimes, plus we wanna share a teaserytaste of it with you rightabouts NOW!! 😊 😊 😊
Now is the times for sharing a sooperneato little picturemovie our Mum made with her snazzynew camerabox!! You will see!! 😄 😄 😄
Hey, guys!! Did you know!!?? My shinynew friendlypal GairMaxwell found out 'bout me plus he wanted to make a whole entire article of wordybits 'bout ME!! Yup!! Best part is, he made a 'mazing picturemovie too!! You will see!! 😄 💜
Everybuddy!! I am so sooper'cited to share a shinynew picturemovie of my firstest HappyHeartMission to the 'mazing McCormick Home!! Yup!! I AM A THERAPY DOG A 'GAIN, GUYS!! 😀 💜 😀 💜 😀 💜