It's Archibald Flubberford Brindleton's officially official


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adoptaversary [uh-dopt-uh-vur-suh-ree] noun

  • the yearly recurrence of the date of a pets adoption, rescue or purchase. Typically celebrated on the anniversary of the date the pet "moved in" permanently. Also referred to as a pets'  "gotchaday". 
  • Archie's adoptaversary falls on June 28 and has since been officially named "HappyHeartHugsDay". 


benny © [ben-ee] noun

  • a stocky North American burrowing rodent, Marmota monax, that hibernates in the winter. Also known as a "woodchuck", "chuck" or "groundhog". 

birthdayfeets © [burth-deyfeets] adjective

  • to walk with the feet bare; without protective articles worn such as shoes or boots. 
  • barefoot. Also barefooted: "Pop wore his birthdayfeets so he could walk right on through alla the wet wateryparts!" 

Bjorn the Tennis Yeti © [byawrn th uh  ten-is yet-ee] 


  • much like Steve the Deer, Bjorn the Tennis Yeti is a character that Archie has never met, but believes is real. Unlike Steve however, Archie has never caught a glimpse of, or witnessed any real evidence of, Bjorn. Nevertheless he remains certain that Bjorn is very real and that one day they will be "inthesameplacefriends".
  • while visiting St. Anthony's Park (65 Hartson Road, London, Ontario) in preparation for writing a review, Archie found the park to be quite unusual. It was small and nestled far back from the road between two residences. There were no markers or even pathways, and yet it featured a full tennis court set curiously far from casual traffic, like it was being kept a secret. Beyond the tennis court, the back 1/3 of the park is a dense wooded area and within that, Archie discovered a makeshift camp and teepee built out of fallen trees. He quickly deduced that a yeti, who clearly loves the game of tennis, lives there and immediately chose to name him "Bjorn". 

bloo © [bloo] noun

  • the pure colour of a clear sky; the primary colour between green and violet in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 450 and 500 nm.
  • more commonly spelled "blue". 

bloon © [bloon] noun

  • a bag made of thin rubber or other light material, usually brightly coloured, inflated with air or with some lighter-than-air gas and used as a children's plaything or as a decoration. 
  • more commonly referred to as a balloon. See also bubbaloon

boopie © [boo-peenoun

  • any warm- blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard-shelled egg (aka a "bird"). See also "chirpybird". 

brainmelon [breyn-mel-uh n] noun

  • the bony framework of the head, enclosing the brain and supporting the face; the skeleton of the head; the cranium.
  • the anatomical vessel where "brainwiring, a couple of lookingmarbles, the snifferator,  some earparts, plus other importantal, wierd-looking stuff is stuck together".(Archie). 

brainwiring [breyn-wahyuh r-ing] noun

  • Anatomy, Zoology. the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the brainmelon (cranium) of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of grey and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions.
  • Sometimes, as "brains" used with a plural verb) aka understanding; intellectual power; intelligence.

bubbaloon © [buhb-uh-loon] noun

  • a bag made of thin rubber or other light material, usually brightly coloured, inflated with air or with some lighter-than-air gas and used as a children's plaything or as a decoration (aka a "balloon"). See also "bloon".

buddypal [buhd-eepal] noun

  • a very close, intimate friend; comrade; chum.

bumtrumpet © [buhm-truhm-pit] noun

  • the derrière; specifically when used to pass gas: "if I eat Mexican food, I will prolly toot my bumtrumpet". 

Burgundy Dreams © [bur-guh n-dee dreems] noun

  • the given name of Archie's family automobile (still in service as of June, 2015), a 1997 Toyota Camry LE with a burgundy exterior and a tan interior. It is unknown as to how he decided on that name.
  • This vehicle  is the successor to Archie's first family automobile, "Vertimer Getalong", a green 1996 Toyota Camry with a grey interior. Both featured 4 cylinder engines, an automatic transmission and considerable mileage. 

burblecreek © [bur-buh l krik] or [bur-buh l kreek] noun

  • any stream of water smaller than a river.

burble urble urble © [bur-buh l ur-buh l ur-buh l] expression

  • Archie believes this is a phrase meaning "I am your friend" in a the language he believes is spoken by rivers and other flowing bodies of water. He says it happily every time that he visits his friend, MisterRiver (aka the Thames River of Ontario, Canada). Although Archie has stated that he can speak the language fluently, this is the only phrase he has ever shared with friends and family. 


camerabox © [kam-er-uh-boks] noun

  • a boxlike device designed to mechanically or digitally create a photographic image or picturestory (brindleterm).

Captain Flubberbeard © [kap-t-tin fluhb-er-beerd] formal name

  • Archie's alter-ego and the lead character of his pirate adventure stories "Captain Flubberbeard's Tails of the Red Boat". The characters full name is Archibald Flubberbeard the Eleventieth. He is Captain of the most famous and fastest pirate ship in the world, "The Red Boat" and leader of a colourful group of misfit pirate gentleman puppies all of whom live by the code "we steal stuff just for us so we can share it with everybuddy!!"  

Captain Flubberbeard's Tails of the Red Boat ©

  • a series of pirate adventure stories featuring Archie's famous alter-ego, Captain Flubberbeard and his crew of lovable misfit gentleman pirates. Many of Archie's real-world friends appear in the adventures such as his sister Mirabelle (who appears as the fearless first mate) and Bella, Archie's first Frenchie friend who is represented as a princess that he "falls in LIKE with" in the first story.

chestercouch © [ches-ter-kouch] noun

  • a piece of furniture for seating from two to four people, typically in the form of a bench with a  back, sometimes having an armrest at one or each end, and partly or wholly upholstered and  often fitted with springs, tailored cushions, skirts, etc.: aka "sofa", "couch", "chesterfield" (Canadian).

chirpybird © [chur-pee-burd] noun

  • any warm- blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard-shelled egg (aka a "bird"). See also "boopy". 

cozypile © [koh-zee-pahyl] noun

  • a snugly warm and comfortable assemblage of friendlypals or family laid or lying one upon the other.

crazybananas © [krey-zee-buh-nan-uh 'z] adjective 

  1. Adjective: wildly enthusiastic: When the music started, the crowd went crazybananas. 
  2. Adjective: crazy, deranged: All that chatter is driving me crazybananas.
  3. Adjective: unbelievable , unfathomable: seeing a dog that large was crazybananas. 
  4. Interjection: an enthusiastic expression of surprise or wonder. "Crazybananas!"

crooked hill © [kroo k-id-hil] noun

  • one of a flight or series of steps for going from one level to another, as in a building (aka "stairs"). Such steps collectively, especially as forming a flight or a series of flights. 

cyclebike © [sahy-kuh 'l-bahyk] noun

  • a vehicle with two wheels in tandem, usually propelled by pedals connected to the rear wheel   by a chain, and having handlebars for steering and a saddle-like seat (aka a "bicycle").



dingus [ding-uh s] noun

  • an unremarkably abrasive, fatuous, foolish, or unlikeable person. See also "goober" or "goober dingus" for especially remarkable examples. 

dollarpenny © [dol-er-pen-ee] noun

  • any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.
  • Archie believes there is only one currency in the world, known only as "dollarpennies". 

doop dee doop © [doop dee doop] verb

  • to explore while hiking any rural or wooded area while singing the nonsensical lyrics "doop dee doop dee doopity doop" (or any combination thereof) to the melody of your choice. 
  • Archie loves to explore green areas with friends, and to make certain everyone remains safe and together at all times, he had devised this method of singing aloud as a group to better keep track of everyone in his party. 

(Archie Brindleton's) Doop Dee Doop Troop ©

  • an exclusive club of members comprised of Archie's canine friends from all over the world. Typically any new member(s) are featured on his website in an article that includes photos of the dog(s) in some local environment, often with a significant landmark and a profile of both the dog and the "exotic" location they wish to share information about with Archie and his followers. 

the Dreamingplace © [th uh dreem-ing-pleys] noun

  • Archie believes that when we go to sleep, we are all transported to another place. He has never described what The Dreamingplace looks like or what qualities it possesses, but it seems clear he finds it a very pleasant and comforting space to inhabit. It can be assumed that he believes The Dreamingplace is very much like the material world as he has talked about having adventures and taking part in even very mundane activities while being there. He believes that it is located close to/next to the RainbowBridge and RainbowValley and has stated on numerous occasions it is a simple thing to visit with deceased people and pets when in The Dreamingplace. 


eleventy © [ih-lev-uh n-tee] noun

  • a fictional, unspecific number often used by Archie representing almost any amount, but typically more than ten and less than one hundred. Archie does not have a very good understanding of the concepts of mathematics or counting. 
  • numerically represented by two "1"'s and a capitol "T" (eg. 11T ). 
  • also: Archie does not have a very good understanding of mathematics and will often use non-numeric symbols, letters and seemingly random words to fill in the gaps when he is counting. 

everever © [ev-er-ev-er] adverb

  • an endless or seemingly endless period of time that is specifically greater than "forever": I will love you forever and everever. 

everybuddy © [ev-ree-buhd-ee] pronoun

  • every person. Typically employed by Archie to address his friends online: "Hello, everybuddy"!


flappyrat © [flap-ee-rat] noun

  • any of numerous flying mammals of the order Chiroptera, of worldwide distribution in tropical and temperate regions, having modified forelimbs that serve as wings and are covered with  membranous skin extending to the hind limbs (aka a "bat").

footerpillar © [foo t-er pil-er] noun

  • the wormlike larva of a butterfly or a moth or
  • any terrestrial or nocturnal arthropod of the class Diplopoda or Chilopoda, having a cylindrical body composed of 15 to more than 100 segments, each with two pairs of legs
  • a caterpillar, centipede or millipede or any number of multi-legged, worm-like creatures.

"for crying out Pete" © [fawr krahy-ing out peet]


  • An exclamation of emphasis, surprise, disbelief, impatience, etc.
  • Archie's unique mashing up of the phrases "for crying out loud" and "for Pete's sake" 

"Truestory there is almost a hunred (one hundred) degrees in the outsideplace this daytimes!! That is too many degrees for crying out Pete!!"

frenchie [frenchee] noun

  • a French Bulldog. One of a breed of small (22-28 pounds average), bat-eared bulldogs having a large, square head, a short or no tail, and a short, sleek coat that are made entirely out of awesome. 

friendlypal © [frend-leepal] noun

  • a person attached to Archie by feelings of affection or personal regard. Virtually everyone.

foreverhome [fawr-ev-erhohm] noun

  • a permanent home for an adopted or rescued pet. A home forever. 

foreverhomeschool © [fawr-ev-erhohm-skool] verb

  • to teach (one's children or pets) at home instead of sending them to school.

for reals [fawree-uh lzinterjection

  • an expression used to punctuate a statement by way of affirmation, assertion or solemn earnestness. Used interchangeably with "truestory", "no joshing" and "seriousface" or in conjunction with any or all of those variations for greater effect.  


goober [goo-ber] noun

  • an unremarkably abrasive, fatuous, foolish, or unlikeable person. See also "dingus" or "goober dingus" for especially remarkable examples.

goober dingus © [goo-ber ding-uh s] noun

  • a especially abrasive, fatuous, foolish, or unlikeable person. See also "goober" or "dingus" individually for lesser examples. 

goofballery © [goof-bahl-uh-ree] noun

  • physical or boisterous play or prankish activity.

graduleaving © [graj-oo-lee-ving] verb

  • to receive a degree or diploma on completing a course of study. A term representing the end of the school years and the transition into the workforce at large. Typically used to express the act of moving on from one school to another or from school into the workforce.  

great googilymoogily © [greyt goo-gil-ee-moo-gil-ee] interjection

  •  an exclamation expressing surprise. Typically followed by two exclamation marks when in print. 

grummymum © [gruhm-ee-muhm] noun

  • the mother of one's father or mother. Also known as a "grandmother" or "grannie" among others. 

grumpypop © [gruhm-pee-pop] noun

  • the father of one's father or mother. Also known as a "grandfather" or "grampa" among others. 

gymnastical thinkery © [ jim-nas-tik-al-thingk-uh-ree] noun

  • the act of contemplating by way of thoughtful observation or active, academic study.


HappyHeartHugs © [hap-ee-hahrt-huhgz] expression 

  • the central conceit of Archie's belief system founded on his unconditional love for all living things, represented by the active exchange of platonic loving affection shared between people or groups, delivered as a conceptual, typically non-physical  "hug", often across great distances, in an attempt to cheer up, soothe or otherwise relieve and uplift the intended individual or group.
  • Archie believes that it is up to each of us as individuals to care for everyone and everything in our world - starting with ourselves. He believes that by freely giving and also by openly receiving -even from ourselves- his interpretation of universal love, we can live in a state of peaceful joy, physical well-being and mutual understanding. His call to action for everyone is "GIVE SOME - GET SOME - HAPPYHEARTHUGS!"
  • Always spelled with the three "H"'s capitalized when in print, and symbolized as a capitol "H" followed by a heart repeated three times as an emoticon ( eg.  H <3 H <3 H <3 ). 

The Holidaytimes Pajamaman ©

[th uh hol-i-deytahymz puh-jam-muhman] noun

  • a benevolent figure of legend, associated with Saint Nicholas, supposed to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve: aka Saint Nick, Santa, Santa Claus, or (Archie) SandyClaws. 
  • This is first how Archie came to identify the mythical figure known more commonly as Santa Claus. He believes this is very much a real person and has since become aware that his "real name" is "SandyClaws", but still most often refers to him as The Holidaytimes Pajamaman, based on the casual, comfortable-looking and colourful clothing he is most often depicted as wearing. 
  • it should also be noted that Archie is not at all suspicious of the concept of a single person delivering presents to every household in the entire world in just one night and has explained that The Holidaytimes Pajamaman's clothing, sleigh and many other special items are almost entirely pirate red in colour. (* see entry for pirate red)

honestface [on-istfeys] interjection

  • an expression used to punctuate a statement by way of affirmation, assertion or solemn earnestness. 


iknowrite!!?? [ahynohrahyt] interjection

  • an expression used to ask a rhetorical question typically after someone makes a positive or supportive statement. A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make  a point rather than to elicit an answer: statement: "Your friend sure is pretty, Archie." response: "Iknowrite!!??" Within Archie's vernacular it typically appears with two explanation marks followed by two question marks when written. 

inthesameplacefriend © [in-th 'uh-seym-pleys-frend] noun

  • a person Archie has met face-to-face, been introduced to, and shared a location with. 




Larry and Chubby Joe [Lair-ee and chuhb-ee joh] pronouns

  • Both Larry and Chubby Joe are squirrels who live in Archie's 'roundthebackyard and are often discovered by Archie arguing with each other. although Archie does not speak "squirrel", he claims to understand everything they say and is certain they swear a lot. Larry is a mottled dark brown colour and Chubby joe is black with an abbreviated tail. The story goes that Chubby Joe blames Larry for whatever happened to his tail and has never gotten over it. 

learningschool [lur-ning-skool] noun

  • an institution where instruction is given, especially to persons under college age (aka a "school").

lighteningbulb © [lahy-ten-ing-buhlb] noun

  • a glass bulb containing a gas, such as argon or nitrogen, at low pressure and enclosing a thin metal filament that emits light when an electric current is passed through it (aka "light bulb" or sometimes shortened to just "bulb").  

Limo [lim-oh] formal name

  • a fictional dachshund character Archie refers to regularly. Limo is always described as appearing with another dachshund character known as "Ballpark Frank" and together the two get into many misadventures that Archie then enjoys sharing with his friends and followers. Limo and Ballpark Frank are apparently sports fans.

lub © [luhb] 


  • a unit of weight and of mass, varying in different periods and countries.
  • To the best of anyone's knowledge, this is Archie's interpretation of the standard abbreviation of the word "pound" (lb.): "I am twenty-five lubs of manly burliness!! Yes!!" 


maximum mostest © [mak-suh-muh 'm-moh-stist] noun

  • the greatest quantity or amount possible, assignable, allowable, etc. but much more than merely "the maximum" or "the most". 

'mazing [mey-zing] 

  1. Adjective: causing great surprise or sudden wonder. Can often be used in conjunction with other expressive words such as sooper to form new, more intensely expressive words such as  "sooper'mazing". 
  2. Interjection: an exclamation of surprise, wonder, pleasure, or the like.

Mickey French © [mik-ee french] noun

  • the lead character in Archie's "noir-ish" mystery stories, Mickey French: Private Lookingmarble. Mickey French is a (sort-of) tough-guy private investigator who lives in BigTown and is described as living in a gritty world with "no rainbowparts" (colour). The entire series innocently mimics the black and white film noir genre made famous by films such as The Maltese Falcon

MisterRiver © [mis-ter-iv-er] formal name

  • This is how Archie refers to the river that runs through his home city of London, Ontario, Canada. It is officially named the Thames River. He always speaks of MisterRiver very fondly and states firmly they are great friends. Archie claims to know how to speak "riverspeak" and believes that the words "burble urble urble" mean "You are my friend" in that language. Archie is not a swimmer, but enjoys wading into MisterRiver during the warm months and describes the act as being "hugged" by his river friend. Archie is very aware of how dangerous rivers can be during the cold and winter months and keeps his distance then, while urging his friends and followers to do the same. 

motorvate © [moh-ter-veytverb

  • to proceed or work rapidly or energetically.

motorvation [moh-ter-vey-shuh n] noun

  • the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way:        I don't  understand what her motervation was for quitting her job.

musicsound [moo-ziksound] noun

  • any sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds or sound. 


The NatureMama © [th uh ney-cher-mah-muh] noun

  • a personification of the forces of nature as controlling and regulating maternal being,   perceived by Archie as a creative and caring source of unconditional love.
  • Archie often refers to the NatureMama's "babies" which he believes to include all of nature including flowers, trees, streams and even wildlife. 

neckaraffe © [nek-a-raf] noun

  • a tall, long-necked, spotted ruminant, Giraffa camelopardalis, of Africa: the tallest living quadruped animal (aka a "giraffe").

nightynightimes © [nahy-tee-nahy-tahymz] 

  1. INTERJECTION: an expression of farewell used in parting at nighttime or when going to sleep.

  2. NOUN: the time at which Archie and Mirabelle usually go to bed (approx. 8-9 pm) 

no joshing © [no josh-inginterjection

  • an expression used to punctuate a statement by way of affirmation, assertion or solemn earnestness. Used interchangeably with "truestory", "for reals" and "seriousface" or in conjunction with any or all of those variations for greater effect.  

no rainbowparts © [noh reyn-bohpahrts]  noun

  • displaying only black and white tones; without colour, as a picture or chart: a black-and-white photograph.

nose-a-saurus © [nohz--uh-sawr-us] noun

  • any of several large, thick-skinned, perissodactyl mammals of the family Rhinocerotidae, of Africa and India, having one or two upright horns on the snout (aka a "rhinoceros"): all rhinoceroses are now endangered.


The OldWinterman © [th uh ohld-winterman]  noun

oooOOOooo!! [ooo-OOO-ooo] interjection 

  • an expression used to convey excitement or the act of being surprised or impressed. Typically followed by two exclamation points when used in print. When vocalizing the expression it is important to place the emphasis on the middle "ooo"s and to slightly increase your volume with the emphasis. 


paddlepuss © [pad-l-poo s] noun

  • a small, aquatic, egg-laying monotreme, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, of Australia and Tasmania, having webbed feet, a tail like that of a beaver, a sensitive bill resembling that of a duck, and, in adult males, venom-injecting spurs on the ankles of the hind limbs, used primarily for fighting with other males during the breeding season (aka a platypus).

perfectal © [per-fek-tawl] adjective

  • entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings: a perfectal apple; the perfectal crime.

picturetographer © [pik-cher-tog-ruh-fer] noun

pirate red © [pahy-ruh t red] noun

  • pirate red is a very specific, yet fictional shade of red that Archie believes will give anything painted with that colour supernatural speed. Pirate red is featured predominantly within the world of his pirate adventure series Captain Flubberbeard's Tails of the Red Boat and within that series of short stories, only the lead character, Captain Flubberbeard and his crew know the secret to mixing the exclusive and magical "pirates only" colour. The famous Red Boat featured in the series is painted pirate red and is by far the fastest ship in that world. As described in the first adventure of the series, the more coats of pirate red that are applied to a vehicle, the faster it will be capable of travelling. Even in the real world, Archie firmly believes that anything red in colour is faster than the same item in any other colour. He wears a pirate red collar and is certain that because of that, he is the fastest gentleman puppy alive. 

 poserate © [pohz-uh-reyt] verb

  • to place in a suitable position or attitude for a picture, photograph (picturestory) tableau, or the like. 

prolly © [prol-ee] adverb

  • in all likelihood; very likely; almost certain: He will prolly be there. 
  • often used by Archie as an exclamation to end a particular thought or exchange: Prolly If Pop brings snacks it will be my most favoritist nori sticks!! Prolly! 

puddlemuck © [puhd-l-muhk]  noun

  • wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, or along the banks of a river; "mire", "muck" or "mud". 

puddlepond © [puhd-l-pond] noun

  • a body of water smaller than a lake, sometimes artificially formed, as by damming a stream, or even in reference to an architectural feature such as a swimming pool.



The RainbowBridge [th uh reyn-boh brij] noun

  • the imagined structure spanning and providing passage between the living world and the afterlife. Archie believes that the RainbowBridge takes all deceased people and pets to RainbowValley where they continue to live healthy and happy lives forever and everever. 

RainbowValley [reyn-boh val-ee] noun

  • (in any of various mythologies or beliefs) a place, such as Heaven, Nirvana, Elysium or Valhalla to which those who have died in good favour are brought to dwell in happiness. 
  • another of the cornerstone concepts that comprise Archie's complex belief system, RainbowValley is the ultimate destination for everyone who crosses over The RainbowBridge. He believes that as you cross the bridge, you are relieved of all of your burdens; leaving you free to live on forever "and everever," as the perfectly realized version of yourself. Any guilt, regret, disease, age-realted issues etc. are left on the bridge to get swept away by the gentle waves of the RainbowRiver, leaving you unencumbered in every way.  
  • *Archie is very proud of his RainbowValley Memorials which began as a regular, but unscheduled event on his Facebook page, and have since been given a dedicated page on this website. In each memorial, he writes a short passage profiling the pet that has passed, and retelling some fond memories of their time here in the wakingplace on earth. He is most proud of how his online friends continue to come together each time to briefly observe the loss and to leave supportive and empathic comments for the grieving guardian (owner).
  • Archie has stated on a number or occasions that RainbowValley is located very near to The Dreamingplace and that once you know the way, it is a simple thing to go from The Dreamingplace to RainbowValley for a visit with the friends and family who are no longer with us.
"This nightynightimes, me plus Mirabelle are gonna go to RainbowValley to hang out with Jumbo, King of the trunkophants!! It is gonna be sooperawesometimes!!"

raincloset © [reyn-kloz-it] noun

  • The space used to take a "shower" or a "shower bath" in which water is sprayed on the body, usually from an overhead perforated nozzle (showerhead).

The Red Boat ©

  • The most famous and fastest pirate ship within the world of Archie's pirate adventure series of fictional stories, Captain Flubberbeard's Tails of the Red Boat. It is not as large or well-armed as many other ships described in the series, but because it is painted the exclusive "pirate red" that is only available to Captain Flubberbeard and his crew, it is by far the fastest. 

rollerfoots © [roh-ler-foo 'tz] verb

  • to skate on in-line skates (rollerblade). often used as "rollerfootsing". 

rollycar © [roh-lee-kahr] noun

  • a passenger vehicle designed for operation onordinary roads and typically having four wheels  and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine. aka a "car" , "auto" or "automobile". 

'roundthebackyard © [roundth uhbak-yahrd] noun

  • the portion of a lot or building site behind house, structure, or the like, sometimes fenced, walled, etc.. For Archie, specifically the yard and gardens behind the Bessborough building where he lives.

rumblytruck © [ruhm-buh lee truhk] noun

  • any of various forms of larger vehicles for carrying goods and materials, usually consisting of a  single self-propelled unit but also often composed of a trailer vehicle hauled by a tractor unit;  aka "truck". 


sauce [saws] noun

  • an overly assertive manner with regard to a person or thing; confidently aggressive or self-assured. ( moxie + assertiveness + fearlessness) "Mirabelle is so full of sauce, there is no room for manners"

seriousface © [seer-ee-uh s feys] 


  • an expression used to punctuate a statement by way of affirmation, assertion or solemn earnestness. Used interchangeably with "for reals", "no joshing" and "truestory" or in conjunction with any or all of those variations for greater effect. 

shanksh © [shangksh] 


  • an expression of thanks, as by saying "thank-you": I said shanksh to everybuddy who did alla the helpful helperman helping. 
  • Archie's unique mashing up of the two words "thank-you" and "shucks": to understand the unique delivery of this word, you must picture a young boy who is being very coy while attempting to show his gratitude. He moves his lips, but keeps his teeth clenched. He looks down or away, and possibly scuffs the ground with his foot as he says "shanksh".
  • Having matured into the fine gentleman puppy that he is today, Archie is now very comfortable delivering his unique thank-you in an often ernest and even excitable manner: "SHANKSH!" 

skysparkler © [skahy-spahr-kler] noun

  • a brilliant electric spark discharge in the atmosphere, occurring within a thundercloud, between clouds, or between a cloud and the ground (aka lightning).

snugglesnort © [snuhg-uh l-snawrt] verb

  • to lie or press closely; to nestle or cuddle as for comfort or from affection while simultaneously forcing the breath through the nostrils with a loud, contented sound. 
  • a distinct characteristic that French Bulldogs and other flat-faced breeds are famous for; the healing and soothing properties of their affectionate snorting sounds cannot be adequately measured. 
"Guys!! Guys!! Let's all make a gigantical cozypile for snugglesnorting, K? K!!"

sooper [soo-per] adjective

  • very good; first-rate; excellent (alt. super). 

sooperdeedooper © [soo-per-dee-dooper] adjective

  • very impressive; much more-so than merely "sooper". 

Steve the Deer © [steev th uh deer] formal name

  • the longest-running recurring character referred to in Archie's stories and social media posts. Archie believes this is an actual deer that he has seen glimpses of while exploring the wooded areas surrounding London, Ontario, Canada.
  • Archie greatly admires Steve's ability to hide and play the "Hidey-Go-Seek" game.Because Steve is so elusive and difficult to find, Archie believes that he is a ninja, and despite never finding Steve when he sets out to, Archie is certain they are good friends and that one day they will also be inthesameplacefriends that will share many HappyFunTimes. 
  • As of June, 2015, Archie has come face-to-face with deer he believed to be Steve twice, and has also seen a glimpse of a female deer he believes to be Steve's girlfriend whom he refers to as "Jasmine". 

sunsmile © [suhn-smahyl] noun

  • the shining of the sun; direct light of the sun (aka "sunlight" or reference to the suns rays).


thunderboomer [thuhn-der-boo-mer] noun

  • a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge (aka "thunder" or "thunderclap"). 

truestory [troo-stohr-ee] interjection

  • an expression used to punctuate a statement by way of affirmation, assertion or solemn earnestness. Used interchangeably with "for reals", "no joshing" and "seriousface" or in conjunction with any or all of those variations for greater effect. 

truestory for reals no joshing seriousface ©

[troo-stohr-ee fawree-uh lz noh josh-ing seer-ee-uh s feys] interjection

  • the ultimate expression used to punctuate a statement by way of affirmation, assertion or solemn earnestness. A variation of the statement "it's true!" 




walkingsocks © [waw-king soks] noun

  • any variation of outdoor footwear esp. those designed for hiking. 

walkingroad © [waw-king rohd] noun

  • a narrow, artificial  walk or way or any way beaten, formed, or trodden by the feet of persons or animals

wintercloset © [win-ter-kloz-it] noun 

  • a box, room, or cabinet in which food, drink, etc., are kept cool by means of ice or mechanical refrigeration (aka a "refrigerator", "fridge", "freezer" or "icebox"). 

wishowish © [wish-oh-wish] verb

  • to want; desire; long for (usually followed by an infinitive or a clause): I wishowish we were inthesameplacefriends.

wonderthunk © [wuhn-der thuhngk]


  • to speculate curiously or be curious about; be curious to know: to wonder what has happened or if something may happen. 


wordybits © [wur-dee-bitz] noun

  • printed lettering; written communication, especially with reference to character, style, or size. Language in print. 



yodelbarn © [yohd-l bahrn]


  • any variation of a performance venue typically used for live music varying in size from that of a simple band shell to an elaborate opera house. 

yummysummies © [yuhm-ee-suhm-eez] noun

  • the delicious raw food typically delivered to Archie and Mirabelle by RAWCO Pet Food,  served and eaten at one of the customary, regular occasions for taking food during the day such as breakfast ("breakfastimes") or dinner ("dinnertimes").


zigzaggery © [zig-zag-uh-ree] verb

  • to make or follow a sharply winding course, typically at great speed. Often employed during "zoomers goofballery". 

zoomers [zoo-mers] verb

  • to race or move so fast as to be beyond control, especially for a short distance.

zoomers goofballery © [zoo-mers bahl-uh-ree] noun

  • whimsical and overly animated play performed while moving at great speed, typically beyond control. 

zoomersjuice © [zoo-mers-joos] noun

  1. a beverage consisting of a decoction or infusion of the roasted ground or crushed seeds (coffee beans) of the two-seeded fruit (coffeeberry) of certain coffee trees (aka "coffee"). 
  2. a volatile, flammable liquid mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, and used as fuel for internal-combustion engines, as solvent, etc. (aka "gasoline"). 

Don't see a Brindleterm you think should be added to the list?

Send an email with your suggestion to Archie @ !! 

© copyright 2015 and the Archie Brindleton Incorporational Companybusiness