Hi guys!! Yes!! For the Holidaytimes number 2015, we went to see Marcel's Mum at SAMANTHA ROSE PHOTOGRAPHY to make a sooper'mazing picturestory for our Holidaytimes Howdycard that we sent to the mailingbox of everybuddy that sent us one from their mailingbox!! Yes!!
It is something we like to do for just the Holidaytimes plus we put over a hundy (ONE HUNDRED) of these awesometimes Howdycards in the mailingbox to send allover everywheres from our Canadaplace, to the AMERICAplace to the AUSTRALIAplace, to the BELGIUMplace, to the FRANCEplace, to the ENGLANDplace to the SWEDENplace plus lots'nlots more too!! It was 'MAZING!! :) :) :)
This is what our Howdycard looked like that we sent to everybuddy that sent us one!!
This is the way Marcel's Mum made the picturestory afore we put all the wordybits onnit!!
She makes 'MAZING picturestories, guys!! Amirite!!?? Yup!! :)
Here is just one with Mirabelle in her Sundaytimes bestest dressingup outfit!! Doesn't she look snazzy!!?? Sure does!! :)
Plus here is me in my Sundaytimes bestest too!! Hee hee!!
Sooperspecial SHANKSH to Marcel's Mum at SAMANTHA ROSE PHOTOGRAPHY!! If you would like to make soopernice picturestories of your puppypals, make sure you go to her 'cuz she is soopernice plus sooperdeedooper full-up with talentness!! YES!!