originally posted to Facebook on October 24, 2014
HI, EVERYBUDDY!! Shanksh for joining me for another episode of Archie Brindleton's DOOP DEE DOOP TROOP!! This is a sooperspecial one of some of my bestest friends in evertimes!! Yup!! Plus they live sooperfar from me in the SWEDENPLACE!! :)
It is Bob plus Bubbles doing wet, watery goofballery, guys!! :)
Yes!! BOB plus BUBBLES plus the TIVOLISHAW Mum and Pop familypals are some of my favoritist peoples, guys! This is alla them in this next picturestory!! Don't they look 'mazing and stuff!!?? :) :) :)
L. to R. Bubbles plus Lillemor plus MisterSnowy plus Bob!! It's Tivoli Shaw, everybuddy!! :)
Did you know that BOB is a two plus one half yearsold brownie Bostonguy but BUBBLES is only one and onehalf yearsold plus she is a black Frenchie like me plus Mirabelle!! Yup!
They like to go exploradventuring with their Mum plus Pop inna sooperspecial place called the RYA FOREST! Yes! It is a ‘mazing NATURE RESERVE by the GOTHENBURGtown in the SWEDENPLACE!! That is longways from my Canadaplace, guys!! Prolly more than eleventy miles even!! Prolly! Rya Forest is ‘bout 16 acres of soopermagicalish marshy-style forestparts and is the oldest nature reserve in VASTRA GOTALAND COUNTY ‘cuz it was invented in 1928!! I know!!
Butt I am not even joshing when I am telling you mosta the leafytrees in there are ALDER trees plus they are mostly TWO HUNDERED YEARTIMESOLD!! Can you even believe it?? Not me!! But yes!! Plus some leafytrees in there are no joshing a couple CENTURIES OLD!! That is even older than my Pop and he is pretty old, guys!! Ha ha!! I am just joshing with you Pop!!
I want to go to there ‘cuz the interwebsnet says there are all kindsa awesometimes, bugfellas plus flutterflies plus beetlecrawlers plus hootyowls and chirpybirds plus mossycarpets everywheres plus it is so sooperpretty too, amirite!!?? It totally looks like a magicalish storybook and stuff!!
Bob plus Bubble’s Mum says it is soopercool ‘cuz not many peoples go there so puppies runnallover like crazybananas and have ‘mazing goofballery HappyFunTimes!! I want to go so bad and be inthesameplacefriends with Bob and Bubbles and the whole entire TIVOLISHAW FAMILY, guys!! Don’t you?? Prolly!!
Shanksh to Bob plus Bubbles plus their Mum and Pop for sharing their sooper’mazing picturestories plus for joining my sooperfun DOOP DEE DOOP TROOP!! YAAAAAY!!