Hi guys!! This times on STUFF THAT HELPS!, I am gonna teach you how to make my most favoritist snack in evertimes!! Yup!!
They are soopereasy, sooperyummy, plus they are full of 'mazing nutritional goodness that is good for everybuddy - peoples plus puppies too!! You will see!! 😊😊😊
Basically NORI is the weeds from the sea that they make SUSHI with, guys!! It is mostly made into papery sheets that are all green plus crinkly and stuff!! Yup!!
You can buy packs of these sheets at grocery-type stores, or hippie healthfood stores or even where they sell stuff for making sushi!!
Just so's you know, they sell it RAW or COOKED, butt I say read the package plus spend your dollarpennies on the RAW kind!! It is darker green plus it is even waymorebetter for you 'cuz when they cook it, they cook out some of the best parts!! Yes!!
you can see the perforations used to tear off strips for making sushi.
one example of a package of RAW nori sheets
Okee Doke!! Let's pretenderate you already went to the shoppingstore, plus gave them some dollarpennies for a shinynew package of NORI SHEETS!! GOOD FOR YOU!! Now I will tell you how to do the rest 'cuz it is soopereasy, guys!! .........
First, get out one sheet of NORI PAPER..................
Just start to roll it up in sorta a tube-y shape!! Doesn't matter from what side or which way is up!! Plus don't try to roll it too tight 'cuz it will maybe tear! Yes!! It is sooper dry and krinkly 'member, so no biggie if it is not perfectal! .............
See? It is real easybreezy!! Just make a tube-y shape!! ..................
Keep going 'till there is 'bout this much left................
Then pour some water down the leftoverparts! Yes!! For this picturestory, Pop is using the kitchen fountainspout, butt best way is to use nice, FILTERED WATER, guys!! Then... when the endparts are all soakywet, finish rolling it up!! The wet, wateryparts will glue it together!! You will see!! ................
TA - DA!! One sooper'mazing NORI ROLL!! Good job, everybuddy!! ...................
You can see it is a pretty good tube, plus now that you glued the end shut, it is all stuck together real tidy-like!! Only one more thing is missing...................
A WHOLE 'NOTHER NORI ROLL FOR MIRABELLE!! Hee hee!! Once you have made them, they stay good basically forevertimes, so no biggie if you don't eat them right away. BUTT PROLLY YOU WILL!!
Me plus Mirabelle are all ready for yummysummy NORI!! Yes!!
How come NORI is s 'mazing, you are asking!!?? I will tell you and stuff!!
Rich in protein
100 grams of nori contain between 30 and 50 grams of protein, guys, making it one of the plant world’s bestst sources of protein, plus comparable in density to spirulina, chlorella, and soybeans!! Yup!! Protein is sooper'portant for building and repairing muscles, building enzymes and antibodies, plus even cell maintenance and growth!! Nori has LOTS!!
Lowers cholesterol
According to a study published in the June 2001 edition of the British Journal of Nutrition, when rats that were on an otherwise high-cholesterol diet were fed nori, their LDL cholesterol levels lowered!! Yup!! That means nori is soopergood at stabilizing cholesterol levels!! Prolly 'cuz nori is so full of omega-3 fatty acids, plus science already knows that it is 'mazing at reducing LDL cholesterol!! It also helps lower blood pressure, so that means nori excellent for the cardiovascular system too!!
Dietary fiber
Nori is approximately 33 percent dietary fiber, making it an effective laxative and a good cure for constipation. Also, since high-fiber foods have the ability to make you feel full for longer, nori is also a good weight loss food (a fact that is reinforced by its low calorie and fat content).
Lowers cancer risk
This one is sooperdeedooper'portant, guys!! A study published in the May 2010 edition of the British Journal of Nutrition says eating nori regularly is linked to lowered rates of breast cancer for menopausal and pre-menopausal women. This is unsurprising, since nori is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C that help neutralize the cancer-causing effects of free radicals. How 'MAZING is that!!?? Pretty 'mazing I am thinkingthoughts!!
High in iron
100 grams of nori contain approximately 88 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron guys, making it an awesometimes way to get this sooper'portant mineral!! Even better, a Venezuelan study published in 2007 for the Journal of Nutrition showed that nori, unlike many grains and beans, doesn’t contain phytates, which can drastically lower the absorption rate of iron. Yup!!
Improves bone health
100 grams of nori contain 280 milligrams of calcium (28 percent of our RDI) and 300 milligrams of magnesium (85 percent of our RDI). Everybuddy knows calcium is soopergood for the bones plus you need it to prevent osteoporosis, butt lotsa peoples DON'T know we also need magnesium to help absorb it!! Yup!! Since nori contains sizable quantities of both, it is the perfect bone-builder. Good job, nori!!
Impressive iodine content
Sea vegetables are the bestest at being sources of iodine, plus nori is one of the bestest of the bestest!! 100 grams of nori has approximately six milligrams of this extremely important mineral. Best part, according to the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), one sushi roll wrapped in nori contains 92 micrograms of iodine, which is close to an adult’s RDI of 150 micrograms. Iodine deficiencies are very common in the West and can lead to serious conditions such as goiter and hyperthyroidism. Plus nobuddy wants that stuff!! Not even!!
100 grams of nori also provide us with vitamin A (288 percent of our RDI), thiamine (60 percent), riboflavin (194 percent), niacin (78 percent), folate (475 percent), as well as impressive levels of phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and vitamins C, E, and K. How 'bout THAT!!?? :)
'Course alla these wordybits were 'bout how it is soopergood for peoples, butt believe you me guys, nori is so sooper'mazing that it is just as good for puppies!! Seriousface!! Plus when you get it wet, it is sooperstinky like fishies, so most puppies go crazybananas for it!!
Me plus Mirabelle sure do!! 😃😃😃
Hope you will try some nori, plus like it much as we do, everybuddy!!
Shanksh for reading plus soopershanksh to NORI:
my most favoritist yummysummy snack in evertimes!! 😍😍😍