Hey, guys!! 'Cuz the summertimes is all done, I was just thinkingthoughts 'bout the times that me plus Mirabelle plus our buddypal Marcell all went to DOG LOVERS DAYS in the St.Thomasplace!! That was sooperfun!! They has a zoomers racing spot called a LURE COURSE!! Yup!!
Normaltimes those are for SIGHTHOUNDS and stuff, like greyhounds plus whippets plus salukis plus puppies like that, butt we wanted to try it too - SO WE TOTALLY DID!! 😊
Lure coursing is when they have a buncha sooperlong strings run through pullywheels allover the ground in a big zig-zaggery pattern!! Then they get a 'lectricmotor to pull plastic baggies tied to the string sooperfast so they go flippy flappy plus make crinklesounds!! They are sooperfast!! THEN US PUPPIES CHASE THE BAGGIES THROUGH THE COURSE!! Ha ha!! So fun!! 😊
It is sooper'citing plus we did pretty good for firstimer Frenchies, don'tchathink!!?? :😊😊😊
Sooperarchie!! Ha ha!! 😊😊😊
Getting ready to jump sooperfast a 'gain too!! ...
HA HA!! I am having sooperfuntimes, everybuddy!! ...
That is MARCEL chasing too!! One time we all went at the same times even!! ...
Mirabelle plus Marcel doing zoomers!! ....
Doesn't Mirabelle look like a BUNNY!!?? Plus can you see the crinklebag she is chasing!!?? ...
Mirabelle was totally seriousface 'bout catching that crinklebag!! Sure was!! ...
Over she goes!! This times me plus Marcel are watching in the wayfarback with Mum!! 😊...
Now it is my turn a 'gain!! I am going the sooperfastest now, guys!! ...
Even right through the bloo funnelfort too!! 😊 ...
My pirate red collar makes me the fastest puppy gentleman in everywheres!! Truestory!! 😊
Shanksh for checking out this episode of BACKFLASH everybuddy!! Hope you are havinga 'mazing Sundaytimes where you are!! 😊😊😊