Hi guys!!
Now is the times for a whole 'nother episode of Archie Brindleton's BACKFLASH!! Yes!!
That is when we look back at stuff that happened in the oldentimesdays!! Someofthetimes they are wayfarback, butt someofthetimes not so much!!
Plus we call them BACKFLASHES just for fun 'cuz that is what I call my white flash on the back of my burlyman neckparts!! Yup!!
Okeedoke... here we go!!
This BACKFLASH is from wayback in the 2013times just befores the Old Winterman showed up!! Yup!!
My AuntieS made me a sooperspecial sweatershirt just for me to stay warm with BUTT... when I put my old adventureharness on overtop, well....
It made me look 'ZACKLY like world-famous coolguy actorman SteveMcqueen, guys!! Yes!!
Are you ready!!?? Okee doke!! See if you can tell which picturestory is of me, Archie Brindleton, plus which one is of actorman SteveMqueen from his picturemovie "BULLITT"!!
One of these handsome actionmans is ME, Archie Brindleton!! can you tell which one!!??
Ha ha!! Lemme know if you could tell who was who and stuff!! Plus check out alla these 'mazing picturestories of me in my SteveMcqueen adventure outfit, guys!! I was looking soopercool don'tchathink!!?? Prolly!! 😊😊😊