WEDNESDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (photos and links)
Hidey-Ho, everybuddy!! 😊 😊 😊
Plus HappyHappyWednesdaytimes too!! Yup!! It is sooper'mazing to see your faceparts this morningtimes!! Sure is!! Me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove to start our daytimes with you, plus... we are sooper'cited to show you where we are this morningtimes!! Can you guess!!?? ..................
NOPE!! We are out front of a peoplehouse in our neighborhood that is all covered in decorational ornabits for the Halloweeningtimes coming up soon!! Yup!! It is soopercreepy too!! Lookit alla those melonbones on sticks and stuff!! It looks crazybananas, amirite!!?? Prolly!!
So I made a special gallery 'bout this peoplehouse down below, so you can have a real good looksee at it and everythings!! Plus I am gonna show you some other ones latertimes too!! There are a whole bunch where we live that are AMAYZAZING looking!! Truestory!! .............
Anyhoozle, we just wanted to say "WAKEYWAKEY, EGGS'NBAKEY 'cuz a shinynew daytimes is starting just for YOU!! Yup!! For US TOO!! There is lots'nlots goings on, guys!! 'Course we are getting all ready for the Halloweeningtimes, plus it is still FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, so prolly I will do more workerman work for the London Fire Department this daytimes too!! Prolly!!
What are you guys up too!!?? Hope you have somethings sooperfun all figured out and stuff, 'cuz 'member to not forget: it is sooper'portant to have HappyFunTimes EVERY daytimes, guys!! Seriousface for reals!!
Okeedoke!! Let's get started this shinynew wednesdaytimes, K? K!!
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! 😜 😜 😜
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 is PET OBESITY AWARENESS DAY!!
If your puppypal or kittypal is getting too rolypoly, then think 'bout switching to an all-natural RAW FOOD diet like the one our friendlypals at RAWCO.CA make, guys!! Truestory seriousface, some of our puppypals got too big, butt soon as they switched, they got regular-sized a 'gain sooperquick with no problemmos!! Just sayin' it can make a gigantical difference!! Yes!! 😊💜
Halloweeninghouse of the daytimes: MELONBONE GARDENS!!
Check it out, you guys!! Just for HappyFunTimes I have 'cided to show you a whole buncha peoplehouses that are covered-up real good with decorational ornabits for this Halloweeningtimes!! Yes!! The firstest one is only 'couple blocks a 'way too!! Whatcha think!!??
It is a 'nother soopercool picturepainting of my branmelon plus alla my faceparts by POP!!
This medalprize with my faceparts onnit is by NANCY BREVAK!! 😊 💜
Shanksh, Nancybrevak!! That is soopercool!!
H💜 H💜 H💜
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Archie Art to have put on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist too!
Just send good picturestories or a copy of your art to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
london, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
Let's keep lotsa Happy in our Hearts, plus have a sooperfun Wednesdaytimes, guys!!
😊 😊 😊 See you latertimes!! 😊 😊 😊