Yup..... sure has been a sooperbusy weektimes, everybuddy. Sure has for reals. I am poopered and everythings. Butt know what? I am having a 'mazingtimes too. Sure am. Getting to do lotsa workerman work for the London Fire Department is pretty much awesometimes and stuff. Pretty much...............
Yup....... plus this is the times.... right 'fore me plus Mirabelle go to the Dreamingplace, when my brainwiring says it is storytimes.... when it 'minds me 'bout sooper'mazing wordybits from oldentimer famousfolks. Yes. Like this one.... it is sorta fancy with the wordybits..... butt I like it, anyways. It punches me in the emotions littlebits, guys. What do you think?? ...
But sound aloud the praises, and give the victor-crown
To our noble-hearted Firemen, who fear not danger's frown.
~Frederic G.W. Fenn, "Ode to our Firemen," 1878
Yup. That is how come I am so sooperproud to wear my uniform guys... to help my firefighter friendlypals keep everybuddy safe. Yes. It fills my heart with Happy, plus... proudliness too........
So, nightynightimes, everybuddy. Shanksh for alla the supportiness for alla my Fire Safety workerman work this weektimes for FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. That means lots'nlots to me.
Truestory for reals what me plus Mirabelle really really reeeeeeeeeeeelly want nowabouts is to make cozypile snugglesnorts with you guys. Yup. Those are the bestest.
Cuz we luvluvlove you guys.
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!!
H💜 H💜 H💜