THURSDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (Photos and links)
Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy 😊 😊 😊...
Yup. I am not inna hurry to get out of my UFObed 'cuz did you know?? It is raining wet, waterydrops!! Lots'nlots, even, for crying out Pete!! That is not my most favourite thing, guys. Nope. Mirabelle's either. The rainingdrops go right in our earparts plus I am a gentleman puppy who does not like getting my feets wet!!
Butt.... truestory we have been sooperluckyducklings latelytimes 'cuz the outsideplace has been so sooper sunsmiley plus warm'ncozy in my London, Ontarioplace!! Only..... nowabouts the fallingdowntimes is getting littlebits chillybilly, plus for THIS daytimes.... soopersoakery too!! .........................
Oh well!! Least me plus Mirabelle have you guys to hang out with, amirite!!?? 'Course!!
Yes!! That is making me all 'cited a 'gain, guys!! Shanksh!! Mirabelle is right!! It IS soopernice to see your faceparts!! Sunsmiley daytimes are sooperfun, butt hanging out with friendlypals like you is the sooperFUNNIST!! Yup!! Truestory you are putting big piles of Happy in our Hearts, guys!! 😊💜 ..............
Now is the times for putting healthy yummysummies in our bellies!! Yes!! So let's fill our bellies, plus slurp some zoomerjuice if you like that stuff, then we will have lotsa HappyFunTimes in the insideplace for this Thursdaytimes!! Yup!! No biggie!!
Shanksh, everybuddy!! You guys are the bestest!! I am all 'cited to have a 'mazing Thursdaytimes with YOU, so let's see what is goings on, plus get started, K? K!!
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! 😊 😊 😊
Thursday, October 20 is SPIRIT DAY!!
The name SPIRIT DAY comes from the purple stripe of the rainbow flag whose creator, Gilbert Baker defines as "representing spirit"
In early October 2010, Canadian teenager Brittany McMillan formally began a new event called SPIRIT DAY, the first of which took place on October 20, 2010; on this day people wear the colour purple to show support for LGBT youth who are victims of bullying. The American observance was inaugurated in response to a rash of widely publicized bullying-related suicides of gay students in 2010.
Click to make waymorebigger!!
Today's Archie Art is called...
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Archie Art to have put on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist!!
Just send good picturestories or a copy of your Archie art to or mail to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
london, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
The Brindleterm of the day is...
trunkophant © [truhngkoh-fant], noun
For a complete definition with photo, click the Brindleterm of The Day logo, guys!!
Mirabelle says
H💜 H💜 H💜