MONDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (photos, sneak peeks and Brindleterm of The Day)
Hi everybuddy!! 😀😀😀
Golly!! It is amayzazing to see your faceparts this morningtimes!! Yes!! Did you know!!??
Me plus Mirabelle missed you sooperlots for reals!! Sure did!!
We are hanging out on the shinynew monkeyclimbers at ST. JULIEN PARK, butt these crazybananas benches for buttparts do not work so good for puppies!! Ha ha!! ..................
How 'bout YOU guys!!?? What did YOU do for the weekendtimes!!?? Did you have big piles of HappyFunTimes too!!?? Sure hope so 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz YOU DESERVE IT!! Yup!!
Truestory there was lots'nlots of wet, watery rainingdrops, butt we STILL had awesometimes!! YES!! You will see!! Plus check out the linkybits under this part for some SNEAKYPEEKS at what happened, then latertimes we will share waymorelots too, K? K!! ..........................
Anyhoozle....... I can't even hardly bleeve it is the OCTOBERTIMES, guys!! CAN YOU!!?? It is Octobertimes number FREE (3) alreadytimes for crying out Pete!! They sure do fly by when you are having HappyFunTimes, amirite!!?? Maybe!! Prolly!! 'Course!!
Butt now is the times for getting started 'cuz we are sooper'cited to start a shinynew weektimes with you, K? K!!
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! 😀 😀 😀
Monday, October 3, 2016 is WORLD STOMP OUT BULLYING DAY!!
On the weekendtimes I went to a puppy festival called DOGTOBERFEST plus I won TOO (2) contests, guys!! YUP!! TOO!! I won SHORTEST TAIL, plus MOST UNUSUAL NAME too!! Was sooperdooperfun!! Shanksh to A.R.F (The Animal Rescue Foundation) for organizing the whole entire thing, plus soopershanksh to BELLA, LIZA plus JULES, my Frenchiefriends for 'nviting me to go!!
Me plus Animal Rescue Foundation volunteer Andreana Collins after I won TOO PRIZES!!
Me plus soopercool curator MAYA HIRSCHMAN from The Secrets of Radar Museum!!
Guys!! Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface I was a luckyduckling 'cuz I got to tour the amayzazing SECRETS OF RADAR MUSEUM with the curatorperson MAYA HIRSCHMAN!!
Yup!! We made lots'nlots of picturestories for sharing with you, PLUS.... Mum is making a sooper'mazing PICTUREMOVIE too!! Yes!! I can't even hardly wait to share it all with you!!
See... 'cuz my firstest quest to see every park in my London, Ontarioplace is now all done
(I have seen plus reviewed all 458 parks in my city where I live!!), I am gonna start a shinynew kind of picturestory series called SAY HI TO LONDON!! Yup!! Plus the firstest episode is gonna be alla 'bout THE SECRETS OF RADAR MUSEUM!! You are gonna be 'MAZED!! Yes!! 😃
Is THAT my helmet hat!!?? Is that one of my footsieboots!!?? AWESOMETIMES!!
Yup!! FIRE PREVENTION WEEK is coming up soopersoon (Octobertimes 9 - 15), plus I am getting lots'nlots of helpings to get my nextest uniform all ready for it!! Yes!! So fars I have my fancy dress uniform just like CHIEF KOBARDA wears, butt now they are making me BUNKER GEAR too!! That is what they call the sooperdooper heavy duty uniform that firefighters wear when they are putting out fires, guys!! You will see soopersoon!! 😃
Me plus Mirabelle are sooper'cited to hang out with you guys a 'gain!! Plus...
Let's have a 'mazing Mondaytimes, everybuddy!! 😃😃😃