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Hi guys!! ðŸ˜ŠðŸ’œ

Wanna check out a shinynew park I have neverever been to befores!!?? How 'bout TOO (2)!!?? Okeedoke!! 'Cuz for THIS park review, I am gonna take you allaways to the ILDERTONparts of my ONTARIOplace to see one plus one parks that are pretty soopercool!! Let's GO-GO-GO!! 

Firstofalls, I did not even know this was too (2) differenter parks 'till AFTER I saw both of them!! Truestory!! They are so close together and stuff it was not 'till I was halfways done the RAIL TRAIL that I figured out there was too (2) parks here!!  That is pretty cool, 'cuz these parks are 'bout half of one hourtimes a 'way from my city where I live, so being close together made it soopereasy to see them in just one traveltrip!! Yes!! 

Just so's you know, the ILDERTONplace is just teensy!! There are only THIS (16,487) many peoples who live 'round there!! Yup!! Fact is, lots of those peoples do not even live in the ILDERTONplace, butt in other little places close by too!! Plus it is sorta out in the middle of sooperpretty Ontarioplace countryside, so the drivingtimes was nice!! It is the fallingdowntimes, so alla the leafytrees are full-up with rainbowparts nowabouts!! 

Anyhoozle, JUNCTION PARK is right on the main street called ILDERTON ROAD. Yes. There is a wordysign with a rollytrain onnit, plus then a little gazebohouse for hanging out in, then right behind that is JUNCTION PARK!! Yup!! It is pretty teensytiny, plus being right close to the rollycar road means it is not so great for puppies. Nope. SAFETY STRINGS ON, EVERYBUDDY!! Yup!! BUTT..... behind JUNCTION PARK, is THE ILDERTON RAIL TRAIL!! Truestory it is sorta hiding behind JUNCTION PARK and a rollycar rodeo for some shoppingstores nextdoor. Butt, if you walk straight back from the JUNCTION PARK gazebohouse, a teensy wildertrail will take you over to the start of the RAIL TRAIL, plus THAT is when it gets soopercool!! 

The ILDERTON RAIL TRAIL is builderated on top of an old rollytrain track, guys!! Yup!! So it is sooperlong, plus sooperstraight!! It starts right at the main rollycar road, plus goes through a buncha peoplehouses, out into the wilderwild, plus allways down to the next rollycar road called 10 MILE ROAD!! I do not know for reals how far it is, butt it took me plus Mirabelle plus Pop 'bout one whole hourtimes to see the whole entire thing!! Yup!! 

Bestest part was that once you are past alla the peoplehouses, there was shinynew wordysigns that said it was AOK to let puppies do walkingtimes OFF LEAD!! Yes!! This is a 'nother soopercool "PAWS IN PARKS" park, guys!! "till just littlewhiles a 'go I had neverever seen the PAWS IN PARKS wordysigns, butt now I have been to TOO (2)!! That means you can take off the safetystrings plus have sooperfun walkingtimes with your puppypals!! 

Me plus Mirabelle plus Pop saw a whole buncha the fallingdowntimes wilderwild, guys!! We DOOP DEE DOOPED the whole entire trail, plus it was amayzazing!! At that wayfarback end there is a gate at 10 MILE ROAD, plus then we walked the whole entire ways back, plus even checked out some wilderwoods trails where the BLOO BENCH WITH LEOLIONS ONNIT WAS!! You will see!! Check out the galleries below, so you can see it all too!! Prolly you will like it!! Prolly!! 

Shanksh, Parks!! You guys make a soopergood team and stuff!! Yes!! ðŸ˜Š 😊 😊


Park Review #509

Snort Index Rating: 2.0 SNORTS!!

13235 Ilderton Rd, 
Ilderton, Ontario, Canada


  • Next to Ilderton's Main Street!! 
  • Marker sign!! 
  • Gazebo!!
  • Open space!! 
  • Grassycarpet!! 
  • Not so much!! 
  • Butt takes you to the RAIL TRAIL!! 

Ilderton's Junction Park Gallery


Park Review #510

Snort Index Rating: 3.5 SNORTS!!

13235 Ilderton Rd, 
Ilderton, Ontario, Canada


  • Sooperlong, plus sooperstraight!! 
  • "Paws in Parks" OFF LEAD SECTION!!
  • Sooperpretty!! 
  • Some extra wilderwood trails!! 
  • One Lions Club bench at woods!! 
  • If you go to the end, you have to walk back the same way!! 

The Ilderton Rail Trail Gallery