Oh. Hey, guys💜💜💜.........
Nightynightimes and stuff. Yup. Did you know?? Mum plus Pop are making sooper'portant picturemovies for CMHA (The Canadian Mental Health Association) nowabouts. For helping raise dollarpennies for helping waymorelots of peoples. Yup. Plus me plus Mirabelle are hearing them talkings 'bout the peoples they are meeting who are having some toughtimes, plus do not have foreverhomes, plus some are stuck taking bad stuffs plus lotsatimes don't even feel like anybuddy cares 'bout them............
That is tough, guys. Yes. Butt there is also the peoples they get to do talkings with that are doing soopergood now 'cuz of everybuddy at CMHA!! 'Bout how they just needed to hear peoples say nice things, plus tell them they are 'portant, plus that they can do lots'nlots of goodliness with their livingtimes!! Yup. Those storytimes put big piles of Happy in my Heart!!
There are waytoomany peoples who don't think anybuddy cares, you guys. Yup. Butt I care!! Mirabelle too!! Mum plus Pop, plus everybuddy at CMHA plus you guys do too!! It is nice to know for reals that even littlebits of lovings can help lots'nlots. Plus best part is that the peoples who get helpings who who feel waymorebetter want to help other peoples too!! That is just science, amirite!!?? So they help peoples, plus more peoples, plus if we keep going with alla the special helpings...... it will prolly be just littletimes 'till everybuddy has Happy in their Hearts!! Prolly!! That is what I am hoping and stuff!! Yup!! ........................
Me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove you guys. Plus we know lovings is sooper'portant. Prolly the MOSTEST IMPORTANTAL OF ALL!! So tomorrowtimes, let's try real hard to share alla the extra Happy we have, K? K. That will be fun. Plus it will prolly make our marbleworld waymorebetter too. Maybe. Prolly. 'Course.
Nightynightimes, everybuddy. You are the BESTEST. I am not even joshing.