eleventy © [ih-lev-uh n-tee]
- a fictional, unspecific numeric concept often employed by Archie, representing almost any amount, but typically more than ten and less than one hundred (Archie does not have a very good understanding of the concepts of mathematics or counting)
- numerically represented by two of the number 1 and a capitol T (eg. 11T)
- Archie's limited understanding of mathematics and numbers will often find him employing non-numeric symbols, letters and seemingly random words to fill in the gaps when he is counting
"Guys!! Guys!! I can't even hardly wait to wear my shinynew FANSHAWE FALCONS uniform jerseyshirt!! It is amayzazing plus it has my very own number eleventy onnit!! Yes!!"
Me the firstest times I ever wore my FANSHAWE FALCONS uniform jerseyshirt!! Yes!!
I am number eleventy, guys!! My favouritist number and everythings!!
Me plus alla my FANSHAWE FALCON friendlypals!!