MONDAY MORNINGTIMES (photos and links for Nov. 7)
Hi guys!! Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! 😊😊😊
Did you know!!?? It is soopergood to see your faceparts!! Yup!! Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, me plus Mirabelle MISSED YOU GUYS!! Sure did!!
We were sooperbusy though!! Yup!! We got to help Mum plus Pop with special workerman workings on the weekendtimes 'cuz they are builderating some sooper'portant picturemovies for CMHA (The Canadian Mental Health Association)!! Yes!! ...........
Looks like it is gonna be a soopernice daytimes!! Yup!! WeatherWizard says there is gonna be some sunsmiles plus even some cozywarm degrees!! That is amayzazing for Novembertimes!!
Me plus Mirabelle are gonna get Pop to take us to a shinynew park maybe!! Yes!! Hope you guys can get to the outsdeplace for hanging out with The NatureMama too 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz it is soopergood for putting Happy in Hearts!! YES!! I am not even joshing!! ........................
Good job at making our Mondaytimes sooperfun alreadytimes, guys!!
Plus shanksh for coming to hang out with us!! Dunno 'bout you guys, butt that gets us all sooper'cited for reals!! Yes!! So how 'bout we go make this Mondaytimes the bestest one it can be, K? K!! Let's do it!!
LET'S GO-GO-GO!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜
Monday, November 7, 2016 is...
This day honours those in all radio and television traffic departments, who schedule and work very diligently with programs, announcements and much more, on our international broadcast stations. The day commemorates the first commercial broadcast in the United States on November 2, 1920.
Okeedoke, friendlypals!!
Times for a 'nother sooperfun episode of... Archie Brindleton's NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE!!
Yup!! I am gonna say some sooperfamous wordybits from a sooperfamous picturemovie, plus YOU try to guess the name of the picturemovie, K? K!! Here we go-go-go!! *AHEM*....
"I am prolly gonna get you, ladyperson!! Yup!! Prolly!!
Plus your teensy puppypal too!!"
Did you guess!!?? Awesometimes!! If you do not know yet, check at the bottom of this page!!
Here is a soopersweet Backflash from the MARCH2015times when Mum gave our Mirabelle a face washings with lotsa Mum luvings!! You will see!!
OH!! Plus that is me at the end wanting to play with my squeakytoy!! Ha ha!! 😊 😊 😊
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Archie Art to have put on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist!!
Just send good picturestories or a copy of your Archie art or even a high res photo Pop can make into a picture painting to... or mail it to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
london, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
This morningtimes NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE was......
1939 - The line was spoken by The Wicked Witch of The West / Margaret Hamilton
HappyHappyMndaytimes, everybuddy!! 'Case you forgotted, me plus mirabelle.....
H💜 H💜 H💜