THURSDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (Photos and links)
Guys!! Guys!! 😊😊😊
Seriousface!! Did you know that when we were in the Dreamingplace it totally turned into the...
I am not even joshing!! That means the Holidaytimes is really really reeeeeeeeeeeelly close, plus that the Holidaytimes Pajamaman is coming sooperson!! Yup!! Truestory for reals!!
Can you even bleeve it!!?? ME EITHER!!...
Mirabelle can't even hardly bleeve it too, guys!! She wants to start opening giftypresents alreadytimes!! Ha ha!! She is the bestest at opening!! Yup!!
This is a sooper'citing plus sooperbusy times, guys!! Yup!! So much for doing plus so many places for going plus alla that hustlybustly stuff!! PLUS.... did you know it is our Pop's birthdaytimes coming up!! Yes!! He is gonna be somethings like eleventy hundred yeartimes old or somethings!! Ha ha!! Just joshing Pop!! Butt... truestory he is pretty oldentimer though! ...........
What I am saying is... TAKE IT EASYBREEZY, GUYS!! Yes!! Do not overdo anythings, K? Just 'cuz you want to do jillions of soopernice stuffs for everybuddy else does not mean you have to go crazybananas!! Not even!! So my adviceybits for you is... start by doing soopernice stuffs..
...FOR YOU!!
Yup!! 'Cuz if you do thinkingthoughts, you can't take care of other peoples 'till you take care of yourselfs, amirite!!?? 'Course!! Also me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove you guys plus we want you to have the bestest Holidaytimes in all of evertimes!! So like I am saying... take it easybreezy!!
Okeedoke!! Let's see what else is goings on, K? K!!
Did you know!!?? Thursday, December 1st, 2016 is the...
World AIDS Day, designated on 1 December every year since 1988 is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection, and mourning those who have died of the disease. Government and health officials, non-governmental organizations and individuals around the world observe the day, often with education on AIDS prevention and control.
As of 2013, AIDS has killed more than 36 million people worldwide (1981–2012), and an estimated 35.3 million people are living with HIV, making it one of the most important global public health issues in recorded history. Despite recent improved access to antiretroviral treatment in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic claims an estimated 2 million lives each year, of which about 270,000 are children.
-taken from the Wikipedia World AIDS Day page
Okeedoke everybuddy!! Now is the times for a 'nother sooperfun episode of...
Archie Brindleton's NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE!!
Yup!! I am gonna say some sooperfamous wordybits from a sooperfamous picturemovie, plus YOU try to guess the name of the picturemovie, K? K!! Here we go-go-go!! *AHEM*....
"It is like I tolded my last sweetie, I totally said, "Hunnybunny, I neverever drive a rollytruck faster than I can lookerate!!"
Did you guess!!?? No problemmo!! If you do not know yet, check at the bottom of this page!!
This times for our Backflash is from the firstest times I got n'vited to see the officebuilding for CMHA MIDDLESEX!! Yes!! That is the Canadian Mental Health Association, guys!! Yup!! Me Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop all 'cided we wanted to help them help peoples who are having prollems finding the Happy in their Hearts, so I went to meet everybuddy plus to askerate them "WHAT CAN I DO!!" It was 'mazing!! You will see!! 😊💜
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Art to have on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist!! Just send soopergood picturestories (high quality, high-resolution photos of YOUR PUPPYPAL) or a copy of YOUR Archie art to... or mail it to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
London, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
UPDATERY: Just so's everybuddy knows, we are moving to a shinynew 'partmenthouse, butt everythings that gets sent to our oldentimer mailingbox, will go automagically to our shinynew mailingbox for 'couple monthtimes, so no worrythoughts 'bout us not getting somethings!!
Archie Brindleton official ARCH-endise is available now!! Yes!!
Plus just so's you know: this morningtimes NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE was...
BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA (1986) Spoken by Jack Burton / Kurt Russell
So let's do it, guys!! Yes!! Let's all have some fun plus make sure we take soopergood care of us, plus most 'portantal of alls...
See you latertimes, everybuddy!!