Hey, guys!! 😊💜
Goodmorningtimes, plus HappyHappyTuesdaytimes and stuff!! Yes!!
How is everybuddy doing!!?? 'MAZING I am hoping!! Mirabelle too!! We have not got to hang out with you guys 'cuz of alla the crazybananas hustlebustle from Mum plus Pop trying to moverate us into a shinynew 'partmenthouse, butt for this daytimes, me plus Mirabelle wanna hang out for littlebits, plus show you some more stuff from the insideparts plus outsideparts of our shinynew 'partmenthouse, K? K!! ................
Firstofalls, here we are in the living-type area!! Yup!! This room is soopernice 'cuz of alla the windowholes!! 'Specially on the side behind where you are!! Have a looksee!! ................
Pretty neato, amirite!!?? Lots'nlots of sunsmiles come in from thattaways!! Mum plus Pop like it sooperlots, plus like we said lastimes, me plus Mirabelle can't even see out of where we are now, butt in THIS 'partmenthouse, we will get to see out from a buncha places!! Like those Frenchie-type doors over there!! Can you bleeve our shinynew 'partmenthouse has doors named after Frenchies like me plus Mirabelle!!?? IKNOW!! How perfectal is that!!??..................
Now I am sitting 'side the Frenchie-type doors, guys!! The firstest couple are all open now, so you can see how much dirtiness is 'tween the inside door plus the outside doors!!
That was the firstest prollem, guys!! This whole entire 'partmenthouse was not 'zackly squeakyclean, that is for reals!! Butt this is the LASTEST part to get all cleanerated, so now it smells 'MAZING in here!! Soopernice and everythings!! ............................
have a looksee out 'cuz this is what me plus Mirabelle will get to see after we move in!! ...............
ooooOOOoooo!! We get to see everybuddy who comes to visit!! Plus we get to see my most favouritist linkychains that this buildinghouse has on its frontparts 'stead of ugly-ish downspout pipes and stuff!! Lookit them sparkle, guys!! Isn't that the most prettiest!!?? IKNOW!!.........
OH! Hey, it is MisterGraydon doing shovellational diggery out front!! That is a 'nother reason why this buildinghouse is gonna be 'mazing, guys!!
Here in my Canadaplace we get lots'nlots of fluffystuff when the Old Winterman comes!! Yup!! So it is soopernice to know that this buildinghouse is getting lots'nlots of lovings from a whole buncha peoples!! At our oldentimer buildinghouse.... not so much! .................
SEE!!?? Here is the front of our oldentimer buildinghouse!! Nobuddy has done any shovellational diggery!! You have to do it yourselfs, or be soopercareful coming down the crooked hill, so you don't take a tumble!! Not so good, guys!! ..................
Butt here is our shinynew 'partmenthouse!! 'MAZING!! Alla the fluffystuff is all gone!! It is soopersafe, plus soopereasy to use this crooked hill!!
PLUS.... the oldentimer 'partmenthouse uses only sooperouchy SALTYBITS for melting alla the icyparts, guys!! That hurts our feets sooperbad if we step onnit!! YUP!! Butt over HERE they use saltybits that are SAFE FOR PUPPIES!! Truestory that is waymorebetter for me plus Mirabelle!!...
Basically our oldentimer buildinghouse is not getting e'nuff lovings, guys.
It is kinda sad, 'cuz we luvluvlove that buildinghouse, butt look how crackly, plus wore out parts of it look nowabouts. Plus everytimes somethings breaks or gets too oldentimer, they put up somethings not so nice. This was a SOOPERfancy 'partmenthouse when it was shinynew, butt now.... not so much....
Butt look how perfectal the same parts of our shinynew 'partmenthouse look, guys!! Everythings looks 'MAZING, plus SOOPERPRETTY, plus we know for reals everybuddy who lives here luvuvoves it too, plus wants to take 'mazing care of it!! I like that!!
What I am saying is that makes it feel soopergood to live here too!! YES!! ...................
Like it is soopernice to see other peoples who live here like to put up fancy decorational ornabits for the holidaytimes!! They don't HAVE to!! Nobuddy is giving them dollarpennies to do it or anythings, butt they WANT to 'cuz it helps make everybuddy who lives here feel Happy in their Hearts!! Yes!!.....
LIke this nice holidaytimes display of stickybits with leafytrees!!.................
Plus even this oldentimer bristlebroom is nice looking!! Don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! ............
Lookit how oldentimer this wordysign is!! Soopercool!! That is 'cuz this 'partmenthouse is called a HERITAGE BUILDING, guys!! That means our city where we live says this buildinghouse is 'portant, plus that the peoples who own it HAVE to make sure it is taken real good care of, PLUS.... that forever plus everever it has to look like it did when it was n'vented!! YUP!! .........
Here we are just inside the front doors, guys!! There is workermans working here too!! Everybuddy is getting shinynew mailingboxes!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
These ones will hold waymorelots of your letterlopes, guys!! Ha ha!! ........................
Okeedoke!! Now this is the crooked hill up to our 'partmenthouse!! It is waymoreolder that even our Pop for crying out Pete, so it is looking pretty oldentimer, amirite!!?? ..............
Butt that is no problemmo 'cuz there are workermans HERE too!! Yup!!
Pretty soon alla this carpetrug is gonna get replaced with shinynew carpetrugs, plus the whole entire crooked hill is gonna get a shinynew coat of paint!! It will look 'MAZING!!
Best part is that it will happen AFTER we moverate, just in case we do some bumpings when Pop tries to carry our chestercouch allaways up to where we live!! Ha ha!!
PLUS...... having carpetrugs allaways up the crooked hill means it is waymorequieter than our oldentimer 'partmenthouse, PLUS... it is waymoreeasier for me plus Mirabelle not do slippings and stuff when we have fluffystuff or rainingdrops on our feets!! It is AWESOMETIMES!! ............
Check out the insideparts of our 'partmenthouse door, guys!!
Now 'cuz these buildinghouses are sooperoldentimer, they HAVE to change stuffs to keep everybuddy safe, so alla the doors are FIRE-PROOFED, guys!! Yes!! That is AOK, butt in our oldentimer buildinghouse they put a gigantical METAL PLATE over the whole entire door.....
Golly! It looked gross, guys!! You could not see any of the pretty woodsyparts anymores!!
Butt over HERE, they put the big metal thing-y on the OUTSIDEPARTS, so the peoples in the 'partmenthouse can still see the nice woodsydoors!!
That way it is still sooperpretty plus still matches everythings else!! ..............
Gotta go-go-go, guys!! Me plus Mirabelle are helping Mum do painterating, plus fixerating, plus a whole buncha stuffs like that, K?
This will prolly be the only times we get to hang out 'till nightynightimes, so that is how come I wanted to hang out for long as we could, plus show you 'round and stuff. Hope you had some HappyFunTimes, 'cuz I SURE DID!! Yup!! Mirabelle too!!
Take good care of yourselfs everybuddy, plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!!