Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! 😄😄😄
Golly!! It is soopernice to see your faceparts and stuff!! Sure is!! Did you know!!?? It is the Fridaytimes a 'gain!! Yup!! This crazybananas weektimes is almostly all over PLUS... so is this whole entire yeartimes!! IKNOW!! Are you all 'cited and stuff!!?? Me plus Mirabelle sure are!!......
Plus we are 'cited 'bout the shinynew DININGROOM in our shinynew 'partmenthouse!! YUP!! We call it the black'nwhite room too, butt truestory it is for fancy-type dining!!
We neverever had one of these in our last 'partmenthouse!! Nope!! Not even!!
So I was thinkingthoughts we would try it out for this breakfastimes!! Yes!! DINING ROOMS are for you feel like getting all fancy for putting food in your bellies, amirite!!?? 'COURSE!! .................
Mirabelle does not get the "fancy" part, guys!! Nope!!
Plus she does not like to sit her buttparts wayfaruphere on sittingchairs, butt she said she will do it if we do it togethertimes, so 'course I said "COURSE!!"......
It is no problemmo for me to sit my buttparts up here, onna 'count of me being a gentleman puppy and everythings!! Yes!!
Plus if I want to get REAL fancy, I will go put on my fancy-type BOWTIE and everythings!! Yup!! 'Course then I would prolly get yummysummies allover it onna 'count of me being littlebits of a messy with my yummysummies, guys!! Truestory!! Butt seriousface I can't even help it 'cuz of alla my flubbery faceparts!! Hee hee!! .................
Mirabelle is not 'cited even littlebits 'cuz she only sees pretty flowerposies up on the foodhill, guys!! No yummysummies for putting in her belly!!
She says she does not want to put flowerposies in her belly no matter how fancy they are!! Silly puppy!! 😄😄😄 .............
'Fore I 'splain to her that we are not gonna put those flowerposies in our bellies, me plus Mirabelle just want to say...
Yup!! We are hoping you have a sooperfun, 'mazing Fridaytimes full-up with awesometimes plus bellychuckles too!! Yes!! So let's get started and stuff, K? K!!