HI GUYS!! 😄😄😄
Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! Yes!! Plus HappyHappyFridaytimes too!! Did you guys know!!?? It is almostly the weekendtimes for crying out Pete!! Truestory!!
'Cept this weekendtimes is gonna be SOOPERbusy 'roundabouts here 'cuz know why!!??
'Cuz we are MOVERATING to a whole, entire, shinynew 'partmenthouse, PLUS there is lots'nlots for doing 'fore we can share with you!! Seriousface!! ...............
See...... prollem is that our Pop is even waymore sickybicky than he was YESTERDAYTIMES, guys!! I am not even joshing!! You would not even bleeve how sooperfirehot his brainmelon is!! Mum says you could cookerate mangled yeggs (scrambled eggs) on his brainmelon!! YES!!
He is gonna be AOK 'ventually, butt for the nowabouts, he can't even help our Mum do alla the workerman work for our shinynew 'partmenthouse!! IKNOW!! It is a gigantical bummer and everythings!! So much for doing, butt our Pop is just sizzling in the big bed the whole entire daytimes!! ........................
Anyhoozle..... so 'cuz Pop is all full-up with sickybicky greeblies, mostly it has been MUM plus MUMMUM, plus BARBARA.B helping to fixerate our shinynew 'partmenthouse so we can moverate our stuff all in!! PLUS.... it is needing lots'nlots of cleanings 'fore anybuddy can even start with the paintery plus alla the fixerating!! Yup!! Waymorelots of cleanerating than everybuddy was thinkingthoughts too!! Butt..
Later this weekendtimes, prolly after Pop is feeling littlebits better, we will go hang out in our sinynew 'partmenthouse, plus then we can show you 'round and stuff!! We will see!! 'Till he is AOK, me plus Mirabelle have to take care of Pop 'cuz Mum is so sooperbusy with everythings else!! Yup!! PLUS..... WE WILL DO IT!! .......................
So soon as Pop comes out of the raincloset, we are taking him to the big bed for waymorelots of NAPPINGTIMES!! Yup!! His job is the RESTING part!! Then me plus Mirabelle are gonna HOP ON POP to squisherate alla the greeblies out of him!! Yes!! Works soopergood if we climb on his belly, plus his neckparts, plus allover his sizzly brainmelon!!
PLUS..... guys.... we just want to say sorry we are not on the puterbox so much!! Yes. It is tough 'cuz we can't leave wordybits after you leave us wordybits, butt there is no times for hanging out, with everythings goings on!! Butt know for reals we are thinkingthoughts 'bout you, plus that we luvluvlove you guys sooperlots, K? K!! TRUESTORY!! Now lets get hippity-hopping!!
LET'S GO-GO-GO!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜