This is it, everybuddy!!
This is the part when we got to meet our friendlyfriend, JAMESRICE!!
Me plus Mum plus Pop drove sooperlongways from our Canadaplace allaways to the WestVirginiaparts of the Americaplace so we could help our friendlyfriend Jamesrice who needs a shinynew kidney, everybuddy!! Yup!! He is real sickybicky plus needs lotsa helpings plus a whole big pile of dollarpennies too!! I am not even joshing!!
So we 'cided to go see him, plus make a documenteral picturemovie 'bout him so we could share it with peoples allover everywhere plus maybe then we could find enough dollarpennies to trade for his shinynew kidney, or maybe we could just make a shinynew friendlypals who can help Jamesrice some otherways!! That is our plan, guys!! So this is what happened!! ............
We stopped at one plus one places on our way, guys!! Yup!! First in the MICHIGANplace, then in the AKRONparts of the OHIOplace!! Butt then it was one sooperlong drivingtimes allaways to the HUNTINGTONparts of the WESTVIRGINIAplace!! That is where I found this PIRATE RED ROOF slumberbarn!! Did you know if you give them dolalrpennies, they will let you get comfy on their bigbeds!!?? I KNOW!! Plus puppies are totally allowed and everything!! Was soopercool!! ...........
It was tough to get comfy onna bigbed that was not mine and stuff, butt truestory for reals I am a professional-type HappyHeartMission Specialist, so somehow I got cozycomfy anyways!! Yes!!
Butt then in the morningtimes, the bestest part of my traveltrip happened!! ............
FINALLYTIMES I got to meet my longwaysaway friendlypal JAMESRICE plus we got to be INTHESAMEPLACEFRIENDS!! YESSSSSSSSSS!! 😊😊😊.........
We got to hang out plus do lotsa talkings 'bout guy stuff, plus basically now we are BESTIES!!
After a whiles, James plus his ROBINwife took us to a special clinic where she works so Mum could talk to peoples who know James plus then she can put them in her picturemovie!! ...........
Best part is that when we got there, the TVpeoples were waiting to talk to Jamesrice too!! They wanted to know 'bout his story plus 'bout some crazybananas gentleman puppy who drove forevertimes to come see him!! Hee hee!! I am talking 'bout ME, guys!! So they put me in their picturemovie too!! I KNOW!! That was AWESOMETIMES!! CameramanJay said he would put it on the TVbox latertimes, so we were sooper'cited to see it!! Yup!! ..........
Anyhoozle, Mum was making her picturemovie on one side, plus CameramanJay was making his picturemovie on the other side, so I got to be in the middleparts making inthesameplacefriends!! Hee hee 😊..................
Next Jamesrice plus his Robinwife took us to a zoomersjuice shop that was run by PIRATES!! Can you bleeve it, guys!!?? PIRATE ZOOMERSJUICE!! It was 'MAZING!! Then they took us into the mountainhills to where Jamesrice's Mum plus Pop lived.............
I knew were were at the right spot soon as I saw this pictureflag, guys!! Yup!! Truestory there is lotsa lovings in this foreverhome!! Lots'nlots, even!! 💜💜💜................
So Mum started to make her picturemovie plus she did talkings with everybuddy on her camerabox, plus I got to do more hanging out with my shinynew inthesameplacefriend, Jamesrice!! Yup!! ..........
Plus I got to be inthesameplacefriends with MAGGIERAY too!! She was all full-up with cuteness, amirite!!?? Prolly!! That is ROBINRICE plus their neice, SAVANNA in the waybackparts too!! ........
Then I got sooper'cited 'cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface when I was talkings with MAGGIERAY, the TVBox came on, plus did you know!!?? I WAS ONNIT, GUYS!! Plus JAMESRICE TOO!! CameramanJay was not fibbing!! Best part was, they said an even waymorelonger version was gonna be on for dinnertimes!! Yup!!
This is it, everybuddy!! Me plus Jameesrice on the TVbox!! I KNOW!! 😃😃😃............
L to R: (TOP) Savanna, Robin Rice, James Rice (BOTTOM) Uncle ED, James' Pop, James' Mum
'Course we had sooperlongways to go to get home a 'gain, so we could not stay real longtimes, guys!! It was sooperhard to leave, 'cuz everybuddy was 'mazing plus soopernice plus I luvluvloved them all sooperlots!! Mum plus Pop too!! Butt soon as Mum was all done with making her picturemovie, we had to GO-GO-GO!!
Butt... we will be back one day for more HappyHeartHugs, that is for reals!!