Okeedoke, everybuddy!! I am sooper'cited to share these picturestories with you 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz me plus Mirabelle were luckyducklings plus we got to see the shinynew IN DOGS WE TRUST indoor playground befores anybuddy else!! Yup!!
Best part is IN DOGS WE TRUST trainer Melissa Millet who is alsotimes the trainer for world famous puppy stunt team THE ULTIMUTTS gave me a sooperspecial learninglesson on how to ride the Ultimutts Rollyscooter!! You will see!! ..........
GUYS!! GUYS!! Lookit me!! I am on the Ultimutts rollyscooter plus this was my first in evertimes try!! ...................
Say "HI!" to Melissa Millet, guys!! She is showing us how she trains her sooperfamous puppies how to do 'mazing tricks like this one: RIDING A ROLLYSCOOTER!! Yup!! ............
Melissa puts differenter blocks on the floor where puppies feets go, plus after whiles, puppies like me will know how to do it without!! Yup!! For my firstimes, the rollyscooter is not gonna move so I can get used to where to put all of my feets!! ............
Melissa says I am a sooperfast learnerman, guys!! Yes!! 'Specially when I know I can get yummysummy snacks for doing it!! Ha ha!! 😊😊😊 ..................
I am soopeready to ride this rollscooter even down the hills and stuff just like the regular ULTIMUTTS do, guys!! Yes!! Butt Melissa says I have to wait so I can get more learninglessons first, so that is what I am gonna do!!
So basically me plus MIrabelle had the bestest times with MelissaMillet at the IN DOGS WE TRUST puppy playground plus both me plus Mirabelle are gonna go back for taking lotsa classes too!!
Yup!! Shanksh for checking out my rollyscooter picturestories plus promiseface when we go back, we will tell you alla 'bout it, K? K!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜