Check it out and stuff!! Me plus Mirabelle get to do poserational modelating for Marcel's Mum at her SAMANTHA ROSE picturetography studio and stuff!! Yup!! Best part is our friendlypals at BROD'S PARACORD REVOLUTION sent some soopercool collars made just for us to try out!! ..................
'Course mine is in PIRATE RED PLUS BLACK for making me look snazzy plus sophistimacated and stuff!! Pretty neato, amirite!!?? Prolly!! ................
Plus Mirabelle's is in PRINCESS PINK PLUS ROYAL PURPLE for making her look like fancy lady butt also a fancy lady who can bop you in the faceparts!! Ha ha!! Looks 'MAZING!! ............
So soopershanksh to Marcel's Mum plus everybuddy at BROD'S PARACORD REVOLUTION!! This was sooper'citing for reals!!