Yup!! This was when me plus Mirabelle got to visit the shinynew IN DOGS WE TRUST Puppy playground you guys!! It was 'MAZING!! Plus we got to show MissMelissa, their Master Trainer alla our 'mazing skills and stuff!! Like PRETENDERATING TO GO SHOPPINGTIMES!! 😊............
Ha ha!! I am looking pretty good, amirite!!?? Pushing that trolleycart was no problemmo!! .........
'Course even though it is teensy, it was pretty highup for me onna 'count of Frenchies like me being so close to the ground for sturdability and stuff!! Basically it's science, guys!! ..................
Anyhoozle, MissMelissa was sooper impressed 'cuz I am so good at focusing plus trying real hard and stuff!! 'SPECIALLY WHEN TREATS ARE HAPPENING!! Ha ha!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!
Tryouts went soopergood for reals, you guys!! Me plus Mirabelle can't even hardly wait to go back so we can take alla the IN DOGS WE TRUST brainlearning classes!! It is gonna be 'MAZING!!
Shanksh for checking out my tryout picturestories, guys!! There will be waymorelots latertimes, K? K!! See you latertimes!! 😊😊😊