Hey, guys!! MIrabelle is not all full of sauce and stuff this daytimes!! Truestory for reals, Mum plus Pop are thinkingthoughts she hurted herself someways or a 'nother!! Yes!!.............
She is still eating yummysummies, plus chewerating plus moving around and stuff, butt just sooperslow like something is making ouchies for her somewheres!! It is not so good!! ............
We were all sooper'cited to go exploradventuring in the wilderwild, butt when we went to the outsideplace to do our morningtimes chores, Mirabelle was not moving 'round so good!! ...............
So Mum plus Pop are gonna try to find somebuddy for helpings our Mirabelle RIGHT NOW!! Mum plus Pop are thinkingthoughts some CHIROCRUNCHY or ACCUPOKEY would be 'mazing for her, butt it is sooperhard to find somebuddy sooperfast - 'specially onna Saturdaytimes!! Butt we will tell you what happens next latertimes, K? K!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Awesome news, everybuddy!! Mum called a 'mergency chirocrunchy (chiropractic) clinic plus they helped us find somebuddy who would see Mirabelle soon as we got there!! Yup!! He does not do chirocrunchy on puppies allatimes, butt he knows how, plus he wanted to help, so we all jumped into SkyrollerBloo to go see........
Say "HI!!" to Chirocrunchy Doctor PeterFonti, guys!! He helped put my Mirabelle's bonyparts all back where they are s'pposed to be so she can feel waymorebetter!! How awesometimes was THAT!!?? Iknowrite!!??
Yup!! Sure looks like maybe Mirabelle hurted herself when we were bestiewrestling yesterdaytimes!! Prolly!! So now we are just gonna take it real easybreezy to let Mirabelle feel waymorebetter. Yup. Mum got 'mazing adviceybits from our friend ALISONGROULX from IN DOGS WE TRUST plus THE ULTIMUTTS 'bout some medicinestuff we can give Mirabelle to feel waymorebetter too, so on the way home, we went to a shoppingstore to get some EZ MOBILITY to in her belly!!
We are luckyducklings to have so many 'mazing friedlypals that will help when we need helpings like my MIrabelle does this daytimes!! LUVLUVLOVE YOU GUYS SOOPERLOTS!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜