This last weekendtimes was the HAPPYHOPPY EASTERTIMES, everybuddy!! Sure was!! So me plus Mirablle did not do too much picturestory making 'cuz we wanted to take it easybreezy and stuff for our holidaytimes!! BUTT.. we for reals had a 'mazing weekendtimes, plus we have some sooperfun picturestories to share with you anyhoozle!! I couldn't even help myself!! Hee hee!!
First pile is from the Saturdaytimes!! It was littlebits chillybilly, butt we did not even give a care 'cuz our firstest friendlypals in evertimes came to go exploradventuring with us!! YES!! ..............
TA DA!! It is me, plus Mirabelle, plus BELLA (top) plus BABY MABEL (bottom)
Used to be we would hang out with BELLA plus BABY MABEL allatimes you guys!! Yes!! Truestory Bella was my firstest Frenchiefriend wayback in oldentimesday, plus I luvluvlove her sooperlots!! Then Mirabelle moved in with me, plus Baby Mabel moved in with her, so it got waymore complicational and stuff BUTT... on the Saturdaytimes we all met up at MEADOWLILLY WOODS so I could show them a shinynew exploradventuring trail they had neverever even seen befores!!
Was sooperfun!! ..............
Me plus Baby Mabel are out front to lead the way!! "DOOP DEE DOOP THIS WAY, GUYS!!"
'Course after lots'nlots of 'mazing exploradventuring with Bella plus Baby Mabel, me plus Mirabelle needed big piles of NAPPINGTIMES too!! Yup!! ...........
Nappingtimes with no rainbowparts! (black and white)
The Sundaytimes was even waymorebetter, you guys!! The NatureMama gave us lots'nlots of degrees plus crazybananas cozywarm sunsmiles too!! It was sooperbeautifullish everywheres, so me plus Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop all jumped into Skyroller Bloo so he could take us to KOMOKA TRAILS PROVINCIAL PARK!! Guys.... it was 'MAZING!! .............
A smileyface on my faceparts says I am having the bestest times in evertimes!! YUP!!
MisterRiver was looking 'specially handsome this daytimes too!!
Pop made this picturestory 'cuz he likes to look at Mum allatimes!! Hee hee!!
Shanksh, for checking out our HappyHoppyEaster Weekendtimes picturestories, guys!! There was not too many, butt hope they put Happy in your Heart!! Truestory they put lots'nlots of Happy in mine 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz it 'minds me how 'portantal friendlyfriends plus familypals are to me!! Like YOU GUYS!!
Me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove you guys plus we are hoping we can be inthesameplacefriends with you one dayties so we can do exploradventuring too, K? K!! See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊 💜