Hi guys!!
I have some sooperfun picturestories to share with you!! Yup!! They are from SAMANTHA ROSE PHOTOGRAPHY 'cuz that is where Marcel's Mum is a professional-type picturetographer and stuff!! Truestory for reals they look sooperfancy for my lookingmarbles plus at the end there is even lotsa smootching!! Hee hee!! Silly puppies!! .............
Samantha Rose Photography
TA DA!! It is my Mirabelle with a fancy bow in her earparts, guys!! Isn't she pretty and stuff!!?? Yup!! That is what I was thinkingthoughts too!! .......
Samantha Rose Photography
Hee hee!! Now it is Marcel plus my Mirabelle poserating together!! Yes!! Marcel is soopergood at poserational modelation, guys!! Butt my Mirabelle has her grumpy face on her face!! I am thinkingthoughts she prolly wants to do bestiewrestling goofballery n'stead!! Prolly!! ...............
Samantha Rose Photography
Awwwwwwwwww!! That is soopercute!! Mirabelle is smootching her friendlyboy, Marcel!! ............
Samantha Rose Photography
You neverever know what my Mirabelle is gonna do next, you guys!! Truestory for reals she will maybe snuggle up close, then ALLASUDDEN bop your faceparts!! She is like that!! Ha ha!! ............
Samantha Rose Photography
Yup!! That is my Mirabelle you guys!! She is full-up with sauce, butt truestory for reals, she has lots'nlots of LOVINGS inside too!! That is why we luvluvlove her so sooperlots!! 😊 💜
Shanksh for checking out these 'mazing picturestories of MIrabelle plus Marcel smootching, guys!! Hope they put Happy in your Heart!! Yes!! See you latertimes, K? K!! 😊 😊 😊