YUP!! This daytimes is sooperspecial 'cuz it is for celebrating the sooperpretty awesomeness that is our NatureMama!! Hope you guys can go say "HI!!" to her for even littlewhiles 'cuz she would luvluvlove to see you!! Sure would!! 😊 💜
Plus for celebrating, me plus Mirabelle went to the wilderwild to hang out with The NatureMama plus alla her babies!! It was raining wet, waterydrops, butt it was still pretty cozywarm, so we did Doop Dee Dooping in MEADOWLILLY WOODS anyways!! You will see!! ....................
Yup!! "Burble Urble Urble" means "You are my friend" in rivertalk, you guys!! Truestory for reals this is the firstest times me plus Mirabelle have got to hang out with our friendlypal. MisterRiver since the Wintertimes!! 'Till nowabouts it has been waytoo chillybilly in the outsideplace, butt this daytimes is is soopernice, even with wet, watery rainingdrops!! ..............
Steve The Deer does not come out thisaways so much, guys. Butt..... you can neverever be too sure and stuff, so me plus Mirabelle are gonna keep our lookingmarbles peeled real good!! ............
You guys all set to do some DOOP DEE DOOPING!!?? Okeedoke!! Put on your walkingsocks plus bring some snacks 'cuz this is gonna be a soopernice long one, K? K!!
'Member, guys!! Stay close to me plus Mirabelle, butt if you get all lost and stuff, just sing the DOOP DEE DOOP SONG, so we can come find you!! Yes!! Works soopergood!! ................
It is sorta being a gloomy gus in the outsideplace, butt know what, guys?? I don't even give a care 'cuz the NatureMama is the most beautifullist, plus it is soopernice to see her get all wakeywakey after the wintertimes.
Great googilymoogily, this is soopercool to be hanging out with The NatureMama like this 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz everybuddy else went back to their foreverhome 'cuz of the rainingdrops!! Ha ha!! Butt not us, you guys!! Not even!!
We are gonna have a 'mazing exploradventure WITH YOU!!................
It is sooperquiet 'cept for the rainingdrops!! Yes!! That is awesometimes 'cuz we will be able to hear Steve The Deer if he is hiding soopercloseby and stuff!! Or Bears. Or Robots. Or even ROBOT BEARS!!.....................
WHOA!! Look at the colour of this treefoot, everybuddy!! It is waymore REDDER than even my Mirabelle!! It is almostly PIRATE RED!! ................
Hee hee!! It's my Mirabelle everybuddy!! The sauciest, baby sisterperson in all of everywheres!!
YES!! This treefoot is perfectal for poserating on, guys!! You try next, K? K!! .................
This whole entire treefoot is disavanishing!! Isn't that mazing!!?? The NatureMama plus all her babies are gonna use this crumbly treefoot to make shinynew shrubadubs plus leafytrees!!
It's the CIRCLE OF LIVINGTIMES, GUYS!! .....................
Guys!! Me plus Mirabelle come here allatimes, butt we have neverever seen THIS stickyfence befores!! Not even one times!! Wonder what is the dealio!!?? ..................
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I totally get it, guys!! The woodsypeoples who take care of The NatureMama plus alla her babies are moving the walkingroad, 'cuz the old one was getting waytoowornout and stuff!! ......................
Yup!! You can see it is real close to the edge of the big cliff down to MisterRiver, plus you can see it is all shinywet from the rainingdrops!! That is 'cuz alla the grassycarpet plus shrubbadubs have all been worn aways!! That is not good, guys!! 'Cuz if there is no greenery, then there is no ROOTS. Plus if there is no ROOTS, then everytimes the wet, watery rainingdrops come, more of the walkingroad plus the cliff will fall off down to MisterRiver!! That is called EROSION!!
It's basically science, guys!! ...........
So to help alla the leafygreen stuff grow back, the woodsypeoples moved the walkingroad into this farmerman's field!! It is nice and flat here, so prolly this trail will not fall offa the cliff!! ..............
The coolist part is they are planting lotsa leafytrees plus shrubbadubs allaways long this shinynew walkingroad!! That is gonna look 'mazing when they get all growed up and stuff!! .............
Now we are at the other end of the shinynew walkingroad, everybuddy!! Dunno 'bout you, butt that was sooper'citing for me plus Mirabelle!! We luvluvlove exploradventuring plus Doop Dee Dooping!! Yes!! Everytimes you get to see something shinynew!! ..............................
Now we are back in the wilderwild, guys!!
Stay close, plus 'member the DOOP DEE DOOP SONG!!...............
Wowzers!! I can see EAGLE BRIDGE in the faraways parts, guys!! That means we are almostly the whole entire way 'round!! Good job, everybuddy!! .....................
We are almostly back to where our rollycar SKYROLLERBLOO is waiting for us, guys!!
He is sooperclose now!! .........................
Maybe it is sorta gloomy and stuff, butt my lookingmarbles are thinkingthoughts it is BEAUTIFULLISH in the outsideplace this daytimes. Mirabelles too. Don'tchathink, guys!!?? ..............
Oh!! Hey, guys!! Check it out!! This is one of my most favoritist places!! You have to go UNDER this sleepytree laying down over there!! It is sorta like a magicalish doorway to a magicalish storytimes place!! Sorta!! ...................
Pop cannot even fit, guys!! He has to fold over to get under!! Ha ha!! That Pop!! He is pretty soopertall for somebuddy so oldentimer!! ...................
Just littelbits morethers, you guys!! Plus I wanna show you something soopercool in this pretty meadowpart of the wilderwild!! Skootch in, K? K!! ................
Can you see them, you guys!!?? The teensy BLOO FLOWERPOSIES!!?? They are popping up allover everywheres 'round here, plus we luvluvlove them!! They are awesometimes!! ..................
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Shanksh sooperlots for Doop Dee Dooping with me plus Mirabelle!! It is the bestest when you guys come too!!
Plus HAPPYHAPPYEARTHDAY too!! 'member to get to the outsideplace this daytimes to say "HI!!" to The NatureMama plus tell her how much you luvluvlove her!! That would be soopernice!! Butt if you can't do it this daytimes, then 'member to not forget that it is the WEEKENDTIMES!! Yes!! So you can hang out with her this whole entire weekendtimes too!! Maybe!! Prolly!! Yes!!
See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜