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ASK ARCHIE!! May 16, 2016

Follow this link to see all of the questions and answers for the MAY 9, 2016 episode of ARCHIE BRINDLETON'S ASK ARCHIE ADVICE COLUMN

Do you have questionthoughts? I have answerparts!!
Do you need 'mazing adviceybits!? I have piles of that stuff!!

Now is the time for asking me stuff from your brainmelon!!
I am not even joshing!! If you need helpful helperman adviceybits, just ask ME, Archie Brindleton, gentleman puppy and your bestest buddypal!! You can ask me almostly ANYTHINGS, guys!! After alls, it's not ROCKET MEDICINE and stuff!! It is easybreezy-ish!!

Promiseface I will do alla the science research plus gymnastical thinkery to make answerparts for as many questionthoughts as I can befores we close up shop, K? K!!

If you have something you would like to ASK ARCHIE, head on over to his FayBo page every Monday morning at 10AM EST until NOON. And if you haven't yet, please click the LIKE button because every LIKE helps us help more people!!

💜 💜 💜 Shanksh, everybuddy!! 💜 💜 💜