Hi guys!!
This picturestory is pretty much bellychuckles 'cuz this is the times that Mirabelle got into a STARING CONTEST!! I am not even joshing!! We were hanging out with MisterRiver near KAINS WOODS TRAIL when... ALLASUDDEN... a couple duckpeoples started to paddle over to where were were!! Then it got crazybananas!! You will see!! ..............
Okeedoke!! If you have a real good looksee, prolly you can see the duckies close to the shore just littlebits from the bottom of this picturestory!! Look real close and stuff, K? K!! ..............
Soon as Mirabelle saw them, she wanted to go see them SOOPERBAD!! Butt they floated a 'way so she could not get to them!! 'Member my Mirabelle does not really like getting all wet with waterystuff you guys!! Not even!! .........
So anyhoozle, then we got all comfycozy and stuff!! When we do exploradventuring near MisterRiver, we like to hang out with him!! Mirabelle was snifferating the wet, wateryparts, plus I was cooling off my undercarriage!! BUTT... we did not even see that Mister Grumpyduck was COMING BACK REAL SNEAKYLIKE!! .................
ALLASUDDEN.... Like a sneaky ninjaman MisterGrumpyduck came back to tell Mirabelle what for and stuff!! He paddled right to where she was, butt soon as she got close a 'gain, he just floated out to the deep parts real casual-like!! He was one tricky duckie!! .................
It was crazybananas, guys!! Mirabelle plus the grumpyduck had a STARING CONTEST out in the middle of MisterRiver!! That teensy floatybird paddled on the spot for longtimes just so they could just makes googily faces at each other!! Seriousface!! ..............
'Ventually MisterGrumpyduck floated back to his ladyperson who was all like...
Yup! Then he floated back so as not to get in trouble with his ladyfriend and stuff, so Mirabelle totally won the staring contest, guys!! She is tough to beat, that is for reals!! 'Specially 'cuz she will bop you in the faceparts if you do not let her win!! Ha ha!! She is full-up with sauce!! .................
Anyhoozle, that is what happened, everybuddy!! Me plus Mirabelle hope you are having a 'mazing Thursdaytimes plus that you do not get roughed up by a grumpyduck full-up with sauce!! Ha ha!!
H💜 H💜 H💜