HI everybuddy!! 😊 💜
Shanksh for coming to MEDWAY VALLEY HERITAGE FOREST!! Yes!! I am sooper'cited to show you why me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove to come here when it is too stinkywarm for going anyplace else!! You will see!! .........................
Yup!! Firstofalls there is this burblecreek named "SNAKE!!" Yup!! Pretty cool name for a burblecreek, amirite!!?? .................
Don't let his coolguy name make you 'fraidy, guys!! He is just a big, wet, teddybear and stuff!! Ha ha!! Plus most importantal, he is 'MAZING at cooling off your undercarriage!! Truestory!! .............
Everybuddy knows my Mirabelle is not so 'cited 'bout wet, waterystuffs, butt even she likes to do splishysplashings with our buddypal SNAKE!! ...............
If you come in behind the ONTARIO MUSEUM OF ARCHEOLOGY, you will find the most 'mazing-ist soopergreen valley full-up with leafytrees, plus SNAKE, here too!! ..............
Yup!! When it is eleventy jillion degrees everywheres else, it is soopernice plus cozycool in MEDWAY VALLEY!! Plus when you put your feets in Snake, he cools them off 'mazing 'cuz he is so soopercool!! Yup!! He is a soopercool guy!! ..............
Seriousface!! There are 'couple places that are for ADVANCED BEGINNERS, butt mostly it is pretty easy for most peoples who can do walkingtimes!! .........................
This is the most trickiest part, 'cuz you have to squish next to the big 'ol leafytree that is real close plus leaning over Snake!! Then there is a little crooked hill all made of roots and stuff!! So careful at this part, guys!! .........................
Yup!! To get to my most favoritist place, you have to go allawaas to the back, plus then take a right-paw turn allaways 'cross Snake!! Yup!! On the other side, take a left-paw turn plus follow Snake allaways to 'till you get to his other arm!! You will see!! ......................
Seriousface, guys!! You would not even bleeve how waymorecooler it is in here!! Plus the leafybits are so far wayhighup that there is even some breeziness and stuff in here too!! ................................
Me plus Mirabelle can neverever see everythings with our lookingmarbles plus we can neverever sniff everythings with our smellerators!! Plus every times we come it is differenter too!! ...............
Hee hee!! Every times my Mirabelle sees a leafybit floating by, she wants to chase it!! Silly puppy!! ..............
Most peoples who live in our London, Ontarioplace neverever even come here, butt I say everybuddy who can do walkingtimes should come check it out!! It is soopercool plus sooperpretty plus prolly it will put Happy in your Heart!! Prolly!! ..................................
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! That is the end of our looksee at MEDWAY VALLEY HERITAGE FOREST!! Sure hope you had some HappyFunTimes, 'cuz we sure did!! Yup!!
Maybe one daytimes you can come see it for reals!! That would be the BESTEST!! 😃 😃 😃
H💜 H💜 H💜