Hi guys!! 😀 💜
I am wearing my Fire Safety Dog uniform 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz it is times for talking 'bout FIRE SAFETY A 'GAIN!! Yup!!
This times we are talking 'bout...
Cooking delicious yummysummies can bring familypals plus friendlyfriends together, plus it is a sooperfun way to relax plus be creative and stuff, amirite? 'Course!!
Butt... did you know that cooking fires are the NUMBER ONE cause of fires plus injuries in the home? Truestory!! So let's have a looksee at what is happening with cookery fires!!
Cooking Fires By The Numbers
*Based on 2009-2013 annual averages:
- Unattended cooking was the leading factor in home cooking fires.
 - Two-thirds (66%) of home cooking fires started with the ignition of food or other cooking materials.
 - Clothing was the item first ignited in less than 1% of these fires, but incidents in which clothing caught fire accounted for 18% of cooking fire deaths.
 - Ranges or cooktops accounted for the majority (61%) of home cooking fire incidents. Ovens accounted for 13%.
 - More than half (54%) of reported non-fatal home cooking fire injuries occurred when the victims tried to fight the fire themselves.
 - Frying poses the greatest risk of fire.
 - Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.
NFPA's "Home Fires Involving Cooking Equipment" report.
Butt that is not even the worstest part, guys!! Not even!! Check out these sciencefacts too!!
The Truth About Cooking At Home
- Forty-Two percent of surveyed consumers say they have left the kitchen to talk or text on the phone, and 35 percent to use the computer to check email while food is cooking. If you tend to do a lot of cooking, invest in a second or third timer. They're an inexpensive way to stay safe while ensuring that your holiday dishes do not overcook.
 - Nearly half (45 percent) of consumers say they have left the room to watch television or listen to music. Multi-tasking during the busy holiday season is tempting. If you succumb, it's important not to leave the stove or oven unattended.
 - Nearly one third (29 percent) of consumers reported that they have intentionally disabled smoke alarms while cooking!!
 - More than half (56 percent) of surveyed consumers said they plan to cook for family or friends during the holidays this year - with 42 percent of those cooking for groups of 11 or more.
Survey Source: Liberty Mutual Insurance, 2013.
Can you even bleeve it!!?? This means most fires could be prevented, but that people are in too big a hurry, or not paying attention or just don't know how dangerous cooking can be if you don't put SAFETY FIRST!!
NOW FOR THE HELPFUL PART!! Here are some sooper'mazing tips for you to keep your kitchen, plus your whole entire foreverhome safe from scary kitchen fires guys!! Have a looksee:
Cook with Care, guys!!
- If you are sleepy in the brainmelon or if you have been drinking boozahol, don’t use the stove or stovetop!!
 - Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, or broiling, guys!! If you have to leave the kitchen for even littlebits of time, turn off the stove!!
 - If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling, use a timer so you do not forget you are cooking!! Watch what you are cooking real close, check it every few minutes, plus neverever leave the house!!
**When stuff goes wrong, it goes wrong fast, so always LOOK WHEN YOU COOK!!
 - Keep anything that can catch on fire — oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains — away from the stovetop!!
 - Keep pets plus juniorpeoples 3 FEET away from the stove when you are cooking!! This is sooper'portant 'cuz furbabies 'specially like to hang out under where you are making yummies so they can maybe catch some, butt that is real bad if something sooperhot like sizzling food or grease falls and burns them, so make sure all babies (no matter how many legs they have) keep away from the stove!! (* see Archie's photo below)
Do NOT feel like it's up to YOU to save the day! Too many people get hurt trying to extinguish or contain fires without the proper training or equipment! BUTT... If you DO try to fight it...
- On the stovetop, smother the flames by sliding a lid over the pan and turning off the burner. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled.
Do NOT try to move the pan!!
 - For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.
Do NOT try to remove the burning food from the oven!!
Plus if you are not immediately successful at extinguishing the flames...
- GET OUT! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire.
 - CALL 9-1-1 or the local emergency number from outside the home.
Every second counts, so do not delay getting yourself to safety and calling for help!
So there you go, guys!! Did I help you do some soopergood brainlearning!!?? Sure hope so!!
I luvluvlove you guys for reals, plus I just want everybuddy to be soopersafe plus have lotsa HappyFunTimes in their kitchen making yummysummies for your familypack or friendlypals, butt that is why it is sooper'portant to be CAREFUL, MINDFUL and DILIGENT when you are doing cookery with sooperhot, sizzly foodstuffs, K? K. Together we can make sure you neverever have to deal with the scariness of a fire in your foreverhome!! We can do it!!
Shanksh, everybuddy!! Plus 'member to not forget...
🔥 🚨 🚒 SAFETY FIRSTEST!! 🚒 🚨 🔥