MR. HENRI ASPINALL (2014-2016)
Hi guys. H💜H💜H💜
Shanksh for coming to my RainbowValley Memorial for Mr.Henri. It means sooperlots to me plus Mirabelle plus Mum plus Pop too. Truestory for reals. 💜 💜 💜
This one puts lotsa ouchies in our hearts 'cuz this is a special puppypal we have known for his whole entire livingtimes. Yup. Plus did you know?? Mr. Henri was n'vented with prollems on his insides, guys. Prollems with his kidneyparts. Doctoranarians even said he would only get to stay for maybe (six) monthtimes. Butt know what?........
He showed them. Yup. He showed them real good with lotsa lovings from his Mum............
Mr. Henri was n'vented on the Junetimes number (13) right here in my London, Ontarioplace at VICTORY BULLDOGS!! Did you know!!?? That is where me, plus Mirabelle came from too!! Yup!! That is only 'couple minutimes from where me plus Mirabelle live in our foreverhome!! 'Mazing, amirite!!?? So get THIS.... when Me plus Mum plus Pop went to Victory Bulldogs to pick up my Mirabelle, guess who we got to meet!!?? YUP!! MR.HENRI!! He was doing goofballery with his brotherpals, butt we 'member him real easy onna 'count of him being so sooperspecial!!
We could see he was gonna be a big boy, guys. Oh, yes!! He was roly plus poly with big, burlyman paws, plus he had lotsa saucy awesomeness in him. He was sooperhappy too!! All he needed was the most perfectal Mum in all of everywheres...... SO 'COURSE THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED!! ............
His Mum was our FayBo friendlypal, so she knew alla 'bout Victory Bulldogs, plus when she 'cided to bring home a 'nother puppypal, she went to my VictoryNannies to find him there!!
That is when Mr.Henri moved to the Pennsylvaniaparts of the Americaplace to be with his 'mazing Mum. They basically luvluvloved each other like crazybananas soon as they met each other!! His shinynew Mum was his bestest friendlypal plus he was her bestest friendlypal too!! They had big piles of HappyFunTimes every daytimes 'cuz they were perfectal for each other!! Truestory, guys!!
Mr.Henri, his Mum, plus Me.
Frenchiefriends plus their Mums.
Butt pretty soon, his Mum noticed somethings was sorta wrong. Mr.Henri was drinking allatimes, guys. He could not get e'nuff wet, waterystuffs into his belly, so his Mum took him to the doctoranarians to make sure he was AOK. Butt... he wasn't. His kidneyparts were not made right. They were not working too good, guys. They said he would prolly only get to be on this side of the RainbowBridge for maybe (six) monthtimes. That was the worstest news his Mum could everever hear. ...........
Now for my most favoritist part of the storytimes, guys. Not 'cuz Mr.Henri was sickybicky, but 'cuz his Mum was so full-up with 'mazing lovings for her little man!! He was just a juniorperson, plus had not been living with her for sooperlongtimes when she found out, so she could have sent him back to Victory Bulldogs, butt NOT EVEN! That is not what his Mum is like, guys!! She is magicalish inside!! Not even for one teensy thinkingthought did his Mum want to let him go!!
She spent lotsa dollarpennies, got him lotsa medicines, plus made sure every single daytimes his Heart was full-up with Happy!! Even though it was soopertough some daytimes, they both still felt like they won the lotteryprize, guys!! Know why!!?? 'Cuz they got to be TOGETHER. That was all that was 'portant. And the only plannery was to be together for 'long as they could. .......
Even with 'mazing insurancepapers, plus the bestest medicines, plus the mostest lovings a little big man could everever get, Mr.Henri kept getting worser plus worser guys.
Butt his Mum neverever gave up. She made sure they still had HappyFunTimes every daytimes.
Last nightynightimes ( August 10, 2016) he gobbled up his favorite yummysummies, played with his favorite toys, got to go walkingtimes with his Mum on their most favoritist walkingroads, then came home. His belly was full. His heart was full. He had everythings a little big man could everever want. He was happy. Then allasudden.... he started to leave. It was scary, guys. Butt his Mum didn't give up. Ever. She was gonna race him to the doctoranarians, butt she could not even get them to their rollycar. In just littlewhiles he was gone.
"Nightynightimes, Mum. I love you always plus forevertimes. You neverever gave up on me, you neverever stopped loving me, plus you made our lastest daytimes just as 'mazing as the firstest one. Sorry I could not stay longer, butt... I want you to know would not trade my livingtimes for anybuddy's 'cuz the bestest part of mine ........ was you." 💜
- Mr.Henri
Nightynightimes, Mr.Henri. You were a good boy. The best.
Your Mum will have a special place in her heart just for you... forever plus everever. .......Us too.