Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Sorry I have not been on the 'puterbox so much, butt did you know!!?? It has been crazybananas 'round here!! Yup!! There has been so much sooper'mazing goings on this whole entire weekendtimes we 'cided to call it ARCHIEPAWLOOZA!! I am not even joshing!!
Me plus Mirabelle had a buncha sooperspecial friendlypals come to see us allaways from the Americaplace!! Seriousface!! Some took (13) hourtimes to get here, even!! I KNOW!!
So we have not been on the 'puterbox so much 'cuz me plus Mirabelle tried sooperhard to be the bestest hostests from the FridayNightynightimes to just now!! You will see!! .......................
Yup!! Suki is just one of the puppypals that came to see us too!! This picturestory is from just this morningtimes when we took everybuddy DOOP DEE DOOPing in a FIVE SNORT RESORT!! There is so much for talkings 'bout, I do not even know where to start!! Butt here goes!! .................
This picturestory is from FridayNightynightimes when I was doing Fire Safety workerman work at Station Number (7)!! I was there to help with a sooperfun community event, guys!! They opened up the Number (7) Firehouse, plus showed a picturemovie in the outsideplace, under the starry ceilingsky onna gigantical blow-up screen!! Yup!! Was soopercool, butt the bestest part was our friendlyfriends from the Pennsylvaniaplace stopped by to see me in my uniform!! .................
Then on the Saturdaytimes, it was PAWLOOZA, the gigantica puppy festival 'course!! Yes!! I still have bajillions of picturestories to sort, so I don't have any morethers to share just now, butt promiseface I WILL!! Then on the SUNDAYTIMES, everybuddy came to MEDWAY VALLEY HERITAGE WOODS to hang out, plus do some Doop Dee Doop exploradventuring in a FIVE SNORT RESORT!! .........................
So friendlypals from the Pennsylvaniaparts plus the Marylandparts of the Americaplace, PLUS, Tinadaquano from the Kitchenerparts of our Ontarioplace, PLUS... JuliaFerriera and Cousin Ellie's Mum from right here in my London, Ontarioplace, PLUS... alla their puppypals came to have big piles of HappyFunTimes at our very own festivalparty!! Yup!! That is why we called it... ARCHIEPAWLOOZA!! Ha ha!! ...............
We all met up at MEDWAY VALLEY to go for a sooper'mazing exploradventure, plus know what!!?? IT TOTALLY WAS SOOPER'MAZING!! Truestory for reals!! ......................
Isn't LIZA soopercute, guys!!?? That is what I was thinkingthoughts too!! She is our shinynewest puppypal!! Yup!! She only just moved in with her sister BELLA just littlewhiles a'go!! .................
Even SCOOTER came too, guys!! Scooter is a rescueboy with lotsa helathiness prollems, so he can't Doop Dee Doop so fars, so he mostly stayed in his strollycart, butt everybuddy was sooperhappy he came too!! We wanted it to be sooperfun for our Scooterpal too!! Yes!! .................
JuliaFerreira is making alla the puppypals spoilt with yummy appleberry treats!!
YUMMERS FOR OUR TUMMERS, GUYS!! 😊 😊 😊..................
This was so much sooperfun, we are thinkingthoughts maybe there should be an ARCHIEPAWLOOZA every yeartimes, guys!! Whatchathink!!?? ........................
If you like the thinkingthought 'bout having an ARCHIEPAWLOOZA every yeartimes, lemme know,K? K!!
'Cuz we should prolly start thinkingthoughts 'bout next yeartimes soopersoon!! Prolly!! ............
IT was the HappyHappyBirthdaytimes of our 'mazing friendlyfriend JessicaDawnCompton just littlewhiles a 'go, so for after Pawlooza dinnertimes, everybuddy helped to get a sooperspecial birthdaytimes cake with ME PLUS MIRABELLE ONNIT!!
Was handsome, PLUS delicious too!! Ha ha!! 😊 😊 😊 ................................
Latertimes everybuddy came back to hang out with us in our 'partmenthouse!! There was PIE, plus yummy drinks, plus there was even giftypresents too!! Basically it was AWESOMETIMES!!
So soopersorry me plus Mirabelle could not hang out more guys, butt we were sooperhosting ARCHIEPAWLOOZA with alla our friendlypals!! Promiseface we will sorta alla the other 'mazing picturestories from this weekendtimes so we can share with you soopersoon!! Hope everybuddy had the bestest Sundaytimes in evertimes, 'cuz - WE SURE DID!! 😊 💜
See you latertimes, guys!! Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, we wishowish you could have been here too, so stay tuned 'cuz MAAAAAAYBE there will be informational wordybits 'bout....