Park Review #478
Snort Index Rating: 2.5 SNORTS!!
1602 Hamilton Road,
London, Ontario, Canada
- Soopertough to get to!!
- You have to go through private property OR... climb over a rollycar guardrail to find the wildertrail that will take you there!!
- It is totally surrounded by other stuff!!
- Pretty sure nobuddy knows this is a park!!
- Once you are in... parts are pretty cool!!
Guys!! Guys!!
I am sooper'cited 'cuz I just got back from exploradventuring a whole 'nother park on my list!! Yup!! Pretty soon I will be all done my list 'cuz truestory for reals there are only (6) more left in my whole entire city where I live!! YUP!! Isn't that AWESOMETIMES!!??
Anyhoozle, this park is real close to my GrummyMum plus GrumpyPop's (Pop's Mum and Dad's) house, so we go by it allatimes!! Prollem is, it is totally surrounded by chunks of property that is private and stuff!! Yup!! It is right next to MisterRiver too, butt you can't even follow him to get to it!! It is waytoothick!! Pretty much I was all ready to just make picturestories CLOSE to it 'cuz I was thinkingthoughts I would neverever be able to get inside, butt know what happened??
Yup!! Firstofalls, Pop took me to where the addressyparts said it would be, plus we were getting all ready to make picturestories just CLOSE to where it was when ALLASUDDEN... I totally saw a teensy little wildertrail going into the leafytrees!! So I said "POP!! LOOK AND STUFF!! A WILDERTRAIL!! MAYBE IT WILL TAKE IS TO THIS PARK!!" Yup!! That is what happened, plus know what happened next!!?? IT TOTALLY DID TAKE US THERE!!"
It was soopersketchy to find the wildertrail guys, plus Pop had to carry me plus Mirabelle over the rollycar railings plus down a steep hill to get to it, butt after we got inside the leafytrees it was totally pretty cool!! Beautifullish and stuff, even!! Butt guys...this wildertrail is for advanced beginners only 'cuz in some parts it totally disavanished!! Seriousface!! Pop had to pick me plus Mirabelle up a 'gain!! Me under one armpart, plus Mirabelle under a 'nother one, while he pushed through crazybananas wilderwild!! Yup!! Butt 'ventually we came up behind a couple of soopersecret peoplehouses, so that is when we knew we had finallytimes made it to this park!! Truestory!! We could see on our picturemap that 'long as we were 'tween the peoplehouses, plus MisterRiver, we were inside SOUTH THAMES TERRACED FOREST!! Yes!!
Anyhoozle, this park is sooperpretty 'cuz it is all The NatureMama plus a sooperskinny wildertrail for exploradventuring on. Butt it is pretty tricky, guys!! Yes!! Plus getting out was just as tough as getting in, even though we went a whole 'nother way!! We even found a sooperoldentimer cyclebike racingtrack, plus forts builderated by juniorpeoples, plus then we totally came out on somebuddy's property, guys!! It was crazybananas!!
I had the bestest times finding it, plus exploradventuring a 'round innit and stuff, butt prolly this is not a park for visiting, guys!!
Not 'less you want to do some real seriousface wilderwild exploradventuring!!
Shanksh, park!! You are a wild one, that is for reals!! π π π