Park Review #496
Snort Index Rating: 3.5 SNORTS!!
696 Wellington Street,
London, Ontario, Canada
- Soopersecret!!
- Used to be a veteran's hospitalplace!!
- Now it is mostly buildingbones!!
- Butt the parts that are still there have lots'nlots of interestingal stuffs in them!!
- Celebration Forest!!
- Re-Forest London!!
- Secrets of Radar Museum!!
- Baseballery fields too!!
Hi guys!! π π
Shanksh for reading my most shinynew park review!! I am sooper'cited 'bout this one 'cuz did you know!!?? I have been here lots'nlots!! Yup!! Used to be this was a place we would go to get to the WESTMINSTER PONDS parks!! Yup!! This is where our rollycar SkyrollerBloo would wait for us!! Basically it was just a big 'ol chunk of leftover place wayfarbehind a fancynew hospitalhouse alled PARKWOOD HOSPITAL!! Yes!! This chunk of place is alla the space 'tween PARKWOOD HOSPITAL, plus WESTMINSTER PONDS, guys!! Yup!! It is pretty big for reals!!
It was neverever called a park, befores, butt latelytimes our city where we lived 'cided to make it 'fficial or somethings 'cuz now it is on my shinynew list!! Yup!! Plus it has the most longest, crazybananas name in all of evertimes for crying out Pete!! Truestory!!
See.... wayback in oldentimesdays, this used to be a gigantical place full up with big buildinghouses that were all for taking care of peoples who came back from scary wartimes plus were hurted real bad. Yes. There used to be lotsa little buildinghouses for living in, for swimmerating in, for doing lotsa feelbetter stuffs, so the veteranpeoples got to spend alla their times doing everythings they needed to feel waymorebetter. Butt 'ventually this place got old, so alla the veteranpeoples went someplace else waymorenewer. Then this place got all crumbly, so most of the buildinghouses fell over, plus got forgotted. Basically it turned into a whole 'nother abandonopolis!!
So for sooperlongtimes nobuddy knew what to do with this place. Mostly not so much. Plus 'cuz it is wayfaback behind a shinynew hospitalhouse called PARKWOOD, most everybuddy in my city where I live totally forgotted 'bout it!! Pretty much!! Butt latelytimes, it sure looks like my city where we live is starting to REDEVELOP the whole entire place, plus some special groups plus clubs and stuff are moving in the the buildinghouses that are still pretty AOK. They are not GREAT, they look pretty worn out for reals, butt most are pretty AOK.
The RE-FOREST LONDON guys who luvluvlove to plant leafytrees are here, CELEBRATION FOREST for 'membering peoples who went over the bridge is here, plus the soopersecret SECRETS OF RADAR MUSEUM is here, plus a bunch more too!! Plus 'cuz they are wayfarback in this place, it is sorta like they all have a SECRET BASE or somethings!! Hee hee!!
Anyhoozle, this park looks pretty sketchy in places, butt 'cuz it is sooperclose to WESTMINSTER PONDS, it is sorta pretty too!! There is some shinynew memorials plus benches for buttparts, plus the Celebration Forest is nice, butt lots is still pretty crumbly. There are rollycar roads plus walkingrads that go nowheres, lots'nlots of buildingbones, plus one gigantical buildinghouse is all borded up and everythings!! That one looks pretty spooky, guys!! Butt... it is sorta nice 'cuz it is sooperquiet and stuff!! Not so many peoples come here, so it is nice for quiet walkingtimes!! I am hoping my city where I live keeps fixerating everythings back here, plus that one daytimes it will be as 'mazing as it was back in oldentimesdays!! Yes!!
Shanksh, park!! Welcome to the club and stuff!! π π π π π π