HappyHappyFridaytimes, friendlypals!! Can you smell it!!?? Smells like a shinynew seasonings is here!! Yes!! Me plus Mirabelle did not even notice that yesterdaytimes was the first 'fficial daytimes of.... THE FALLINGDOWNTIMES (Fall), for crying out Pete!! Seriousface!! ....................
That means pretty soon alla the leafytrees will take alla their clothes off and stuff!! Truestory!!
Plus then YOU KNOW WHO will come after that!! Yup!! THE OLD WINTERMAN!! What a dingus!! Good things that is not gonna happen for a whiles yet, guys!! Not even!! For the nowabouts, we get to watch the NatureMama do lotsa sooperpretty artsyfartsy stuffs with alla her leafytrees!! Truestory it is gonna get even more beautifullish 'round here pretty soon, amirite!!??
Prolly!! ..........
Anyhoozle.... let's have some fun, guys!!
Plus just so's you know.... this is gonna be the firstest weekendtimes that I am gonna take off -MOSTLY!! I am sooperweirded out by it 'cuz I have neverever done that befores!! Butt I will post some shinynew park reviews just so's it is not too quiet 'round here and stuff, K? K!!
Butt no Goodmorningtimes or Nightynightimes 'till the Mondaytimes a 'gain 'cuz...
we are gonna SLEEP IN AND STUFF!! YES!! Butt.... I will miss you guys sooperlots for reals no joshing. Mirabelle too. BUTT.... let's see how it goes, K? K!! 😁
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! 😊 😄 😃
To have YOUR Archie Art featured in The Arch Gallery, send it to
It's a soopercool picturepainting of my Mirabelle when she was just a teensy juniorperson!!