FRIDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (3 photos and links)
Hi guys!! 😀 😀 😀
Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! Are you 'cited 'bout it being Fridaytimes a 'gain!!?? US TOO!! Yup!! That means the WEEKENDTIMES is almostly here, for crying out Pete, plus THAT means...
Only prollem is, it is crazybananas rainingtimes 'round here, guys!! Seriousface!! It was rainingdrops almostly all of yesterdaytimes, plus will prolly happen a 'gain THIS daytimes plus prolly for lots'nlots of the weekendtimes too!! I am not even joshing!!
Butt that is AOK with me plus Mirabelle, 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz there is big piles of 'mazing stuffs to do for the next buncha daytimes!! Yup!! Like DOGTOBERFEST, the puppy festival going on just outside of our city where we live!! Yup!! If you would like to be inthesameplacefriends at Dogtoberfest, then check out the linkybits at the bottom, K? K!! ...
Anyhoozle, there is lots'nlots for doing, so let's get started guys!! Plus 'member to not forget to have a HappyFunTimes day, plus take real good care of yourselfs and stuff, K? K!!
LET'S GO-GO-GO!! 😊😄😃
September 30 is RECOVERY DAY (in the Canadaplace)
Are you guys all ready and stuff!!?? 'Cuz now is the times for showing you a sneakypeek of my shinynew BUNKER GEAR uniform for when I am doing workerman work for the LONDON FIRE DEPARTMENT!! Yes!! BUNKER GEAR is what they call the uniform that sooperbrave firefighters wear to go put out fires and stuff!! It is going soopergood, plus should be done soopersoon too!! It has taken forevertimes 'cuz making BUNKER GEAR for a gentleman puppy is soopertough, guys!! Plus when it is done, I will have a special HELMET plus BOOTS too!!
Me getting fitterated for my sooperspecial BUNKER GEAR!! Yes!! I am sooper'cited and stuff!!
Me plus Mirabelle are gonna go to a puppy festivalparty tomorrowtimes, so if you want to meet us there, check out the Facebook event page for... DOGTOBERFEST!! Yes!! Prolly we will go earlytimes 'cuz there will prolly be rainingdrops latertimes!! CHECK IT OUT:
Today's Archie Art was made by Tommi Galera!! Shanksh, Tommi!!
Are you good with artsyfartsiness?? Would you like to see your Archie Art displayed in the ARCH GALLERY!!?? 'Cuz I sure would!! Just send it to me at,
or mail it to: Unit 15, 467 Baker Street, London, Ontario, Canada N6C 1X9