FRIDAY MORNINGTIMES!! (9 photos PLUS a letterlope!!)
Wakeywakey, eggs'nbakey everybuddy!! 😊😊😊
YUP!! Plus goodmorningtimes, plus HappyHappyFridaytimes too!! Did you know!!?? It is almostly the weekendtimes a 'gain, can you bleeve it!!?? Not me!! Plus not even Mirabelle too!! Nope!!
Great googilymoogily these weektimes are doing zoomers by sooperfast, don'tchathink!!?? IKNOW!! ...............
Butt check out what we founded in our mailingbox this morningtimes, guys!! Yup!! A LETTERLOPE!! So howsabouts we open it up, plus see who it is from and stuff, K? K!!
That is how come I am wearing my wordygoggles this morningtimes!! YUP!! Whatchathink, guys!!?? They look perfectal on me too, don'tchathink!!?? Pretty much YUP!! Hee hee!! ...............
'Course Mirabelle is gonna open the letterlope 'cuz Mirabelle is the bestest at opening!! ..............
Then I am gonna do the readerational lookery with my wordygoggles, K? K!! Let's do it!! ...........
ooooOOOoooo!! 😊💜
That is sooperfun!! It is a howdycard, guys!! With a Frenchiefriend eating a pizzawheel all by his lonesome!! Ha ha!! Wonder who it is from, plus what it says and stuff!!??
Skootch in real close, plus then I will read it for you plus Mirabelle too, guys!! Yes!! ................
Okeedoke...... now for the readings part...... let's see here and stuff...... Uhmmmmmmm.............. That is a squiggly "S", plus this part says "SWEETEST"......... plus then it says...
...ARCHIE!! 😊😊😊
It is for me, guys!! Plus it is from our bestest friendlyfriend LINDA J JOHNSON!! Yes!! This letterlope came allaways from the MINNESOTAPLACE, too!! Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? ..............
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... that is the nicest for reals!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Truestory some howdycards are still coming for my BirthdayPartyTimes that happened wayfarback on the Januarytimes number ATE!! Yup!!
I luvluvlove to get letterlopes in our mailingbox - Mirabelle does too!! - plus it is 'specially soopernice to get Birthdaytimes howdycards!! Yes!! Basically it is THE BESTEST!! Hee hee!! *BUTTWIGGLE* .......................
A gigantical soopershanksh to LindaJJohnson plus to Denny too for sending me a howdycard full-up with Birthdaytimes lovings!! You guys filled my Heart with HAPPY!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Plus shanksh to YOU guys for helping read it to my Mirabelle just for HappyFunTimes!!
It is sooperfun to hang out with you, plus to share our mailingbox letterlopes with!! For reals!!
So HappyHappyFridaytimes, guys!!
Let's do our chores, plus fill our bellies with delicious yummysummies, then......