Hidey-ho, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
It is soopernice to see your faceparts this shinynew morningtimes!! Sure is!! Plus it is soopernice for there NOT to be rainingdrops in the outsideplace too!! Truestory it has been raining wet, waterydrops every daytimes since we hung out last times!! For reals!! ..............................
Alsotimes... it is waymorechillier than it has been, guys. I am not even joshing, me plus Mirabelle wonderthunked if we should get out our COZYCOATS for crying out Pete!! Seriousface!! ..................
Butt not just yet, guys!! Nope!! Butt let's get down to tacky brassparts, K? K!!
MIRABELLE!! Yes!! Even after we cleaned EVERYTHINGS with our steamycleaner robot, got shinynew covers for alla the pillowpuffs, beds - even the BIGBED - plus started giving Mirabelle special yummysummies with special supplemedicines, she is STILL having prollems with lumpybumps (hives). Yes. Plus she still is coughing plus barfing littlebits too.
She is WAYMOREBETTER, butt not out of the wilderwild yet, guys!! Nope!! 'Course the doctoranarians said she could get littlebits WORSER 'fore she gets better, so.... we dunno!! .............
BUTT.... We took Mirabelly to see a sooperspecial MAGICALISH HEALER-LADY who works waymoredifferenter than alla her doctoranarians, guys!! Yes!! Just to see what SHE would say, 'cuz nobuddy can tell us how come Mirabelly is coughing plus barfing and stuff!! NOBUDDY!!
Butt this sooper'mazing healerlady spent longtimes with her, plus says Mirabelly maybe has ASTHMA, guys!! YUP!! ASTHMA!!
So... that is not the BESTEST news or anythings, BUTT... it is somethings else Mum plus Pop can have a real-good looksee at for figuring Mirabelly out!! YUP!! So stay tuned and stuff, guys!! .........
Plus 'member to not forget...
Only reason we can take mIrabelly to see so many peoples, plus take so many testingtimes, is 'cuz of alla the supportiness plus dollarpennies you guys sended to us!! YOU ARE THE BESTEST!! ........
PLUS....... TA DA!!
Here is me, Archie Brindleton in my Fire Safety Uniform, on duty at...........
LOWES FOREVERHOME IMPROVEMENT, guys!! YUP!! Check it out!! .............................
It is is sooper'citing to go into gigantical shoppingstores like this one 'cuz did you know!!?? Puppies are not 'llowed to go in, normaltimes!! NOPE!! Not even!! ............................
Butt my bestest friendlypal, FIREFIGHTER JASON builderated a 'nother 'MAZING Fire Safety Display near the way in, so everybuddy who was shoppingtimes there went right by where I was sitting on my buttparts!! YUP!!
Lookit alla the Halloweeningtimes stuff, guys!! Sooperfun, amirite!!?? .................
Plus lookit how gigantical THIS shoppingstore is, guys!! IKNOWRITE!!??
'Course it was the lastest day for FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, so our friendlyfriends at the LONDON FIRE DEPARTMENT sended a big 'ol FIRE RUMBLETRUCK too!! Yup!! It was just outside where we were, plus a whole, entire crew of FIREFIGHTERS came too!! Was soopercool!! ...............
Soon as I got in my uniform, plus jumped up on the cozychair FIREFIGHTER JASON brings for me everywheres, THAT is when the peoples started to come, guys!!
For saying "HI!!", plus for being inthesameplacefriends, plus for making picturestories like this one!! .............................................
PLUS.... LOWES FOREVERHOME IMPROVEMENT is a 'mazing shoppingstore 'cuz they reallyreallyreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly wanted to help out with FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, so......
They had their very own stuff for giving out to everybuddy who came by!! Yup!!
FIREFIGHTER JASON brought big piles of Firefighter Hats, butt so did the peoples at LOWES!!
Plus they had their very own rainbowparts book (colouring book), plus stickers and stuff too!!
They even had a 'MAZING sale on SMOKE ALARMS plus C02 DETECTORS TOO!! Plus did you know!!?? FIREFIGHTER JASON helped sell a whole bunch!! *BUTTWIGGLE* Yes!! That means a whole bunchmore peoples are waymoresafer now!! IKNOW!! ..........................................
Did you see!!?? This crazybananas picturestory is a buncha scienceblobs that tell everybuddy where alla the FIRES in our London, Ontario happens, guys!! YUP!! Plus mostly the big RED blobs are where lots'nlots of 'partmenthouses are!!
Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? So FIREFIGHTER JASON likes to go on FIRE SAFETY MISSIONS to the very middleparts of the big, red blobs!! Yes!! To help stop alla the 'fraidy fires!! .......................
Shanksh to everybuddy who came to say "HI!!", plus to FIREFIGHTER JASON for being amayzazing, plus to the firefighters in the rumbletruck for coming to hang out with us, plus to LOWES FOREVERHOME IMPROVEMENT for wanting to help everybuddy in their community too!!
I am sooperproud to do my part, plus this FIRE PREVENTION WEEK was the bestest in all of evertimes!! Sure was!! GOOD JOB, EVERYBUDDY!! ............................................
Speaking of foreverhomes, we gotta get back to ours for breakfastimes yummysummies, plus alsotimes so Mirabelle can take her special SCRUBBADUB IN THE RAINCLOSET!! Yup!!
You can see on her faceparts, it is not her most favouritist thing, guys!! Butt it is sooper'portant, so we gotta go-go-go!!
HappyMerryMondaytimes, you guys!!
Take good care of yourselfs, plus 'member to not forget: HAVE SOME FUN, K? K!! 😊❤️
❤️❤️❤️ See you latertimes, everybuddy!! ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️