Hi guys!! H❤️ H❤️ H❤️
Can you see!!?? I am using Mirabelly for my pillowpuff this nightynightimes!! 😊❤️ That is 'cuz she is mostly squishy plus cozywarm and stuff too!! Yup!! ...........................
Plus... I like to be sooperclose with my Mirabelly latelytimes 'cuz..... 'cuz of alla her healthiness prollems and stuff. Yes. So's I can give her lotsa HappyHearthugs with extra lovings. Plus did you know!!?? ........................
Just yesterdaytimes Mirabelly started to put a shinynew supplemedicine in her belly!! Yup!! It is for chasing a 'way her the greeblies on her itchyskin, plus in her bellyplumbing too!!
Bestest part is... Mum plus Pop are thinkingthoughts it is working real good, guys!! IKNOW!! .........
Mirabelle's lumpybumps are waymorebetter, plus she had waymorelots of SAUCE in her this daytimes too!! Sure did!! So that is putting big piles of Happy in alla our Hearts!! YUP!! ................
A whole 'nother thing that will put happy in our Hearts - 'specially Mirabelle's - is making cozypile snugglesnorts with YOU GUYS!! Yes!! So come meet us in the Dreamingplace, plus 'member to not forget: SKOOTCH IN SOOPERCOZY, K? K!! .......................
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️