Guys!! Guys!! 🎃❤️🎃❤️🎃❤️
Can you see!!?? Me plus Mirabelle are out exploradventuring in our neighbourhood!! YES!! WE were walkingtimes when... ALLASUDDEN... OUTTA NOWHERES... WHAMMOKABLAMMO...
Truestory is is right over there, plus THIS 'fraidyhouse is pretty FAMOUS, guys!! Yes!! ...................
A man who lives in there for reals goes crazybananas for the Halloweeningtimes, plus he builderates his very own gigantical decorational ornabits!!
Check it out!! ...............................
He is not even done yet, guys!! Nope!! Butt... alreadytimes his decorational ornabits go allaways out to the rollycar road!!
That means everybuddy who is going by has to go RIGHT THROUGH HIS 'FRAIDYHOUSE!! ...........
Can you see!! There is even SPOOKYPEOPLE GHOSTS on safetystrings flying allover!! .................
Plus the man is in that BLOO FORT right nowabouts builderating more stuff!! .........................
When we were making picturestories, he came out to say "HI!!" plus he says this yeartimes his 'fraidyhouse is gonna be alla 'bout GHOSTYPEOPLES!!
ooooOOOoooo!! Spooky, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! ......................
Great googilymoogily!! It is a 'nother one of those 'FRAIDY CLOSETS, guys!! .......................
Plus alla his fencings plus 'fraidystones are soopercreepy too!! That is for reals!! ..................
WHOA!! That is an oldentimer wheelychair!! It is sooper'fraidy too, amirite!!?? YES!!
Everybuddy knows oldentimer stuff is 'fraidy!! That is just science!! .............................
GOLLY!! This place is gonna look crazybananas 'fraidy when it is nightynightimes, don'tcahthink, guys!!?? US TOO!! ...........................
Me plus Mirabelle will have to come back when it is all done to see how waymore'fraidy it is gonna get!! ........................
Butt there is NO WAY we are gonna come back at the nightynightimes, guys!! Not even!!
That would be CRAZYBANANAS plus CRAZYPAJAMAS too!! YES!! ...................................
Was sooperfun to hang out with you guys this shinynew morningtimes!! Yup!! Plus just so's you know, WeatherWizard says there is gonna be littlebits of rainingdrops, plus not too many degrees, guys!! Nope!! Not even!! It is gonna get pretty chillybilly, so 'member to not forget: wear your mittensocks, plus put one on your brainmelons too, K? K!!
Luvluvlove you guys, plus...
❤️❤️❤️ SEE YOU LATERTIMES!! ❤️❤️❤️