Hi guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Can you bleeve it!!?? This weektimes is almostly over for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!! It has been a sooperbusy one for me, plus for Mum, plus for Pop, plus even for our Mirabelle!! Truestory!! ...........
So for the nowabouts, me plus Mirabelly were thinkingthoughts we would come to EUSTON HILL for hanging out with The NatureMama!! YES!! To take it easybreezy for littlebits!!
That is 'cuz when things get too hustlybustly, getting to the outsideplace for hanging out with The NatureMama can help make you feel waymorebetter!! Works soopergoodfor us !! ...................
So we are on the toppest part of EUSTON HILL... in EUSTON PARK... lookerating allover our citytownsburg... taking it real easybreezy from alla the hustlebustle!!
Feels soopergood for reals!! Puts Happy in our Hearts, even!! I am not even joshing!! .......................
EUSTON PARK is looking waymoredifferenter now that The OldWinterman is coming back, guys!! Yup!! Lotsa leafytrees are changing their colourparts, plus lots'nlots are taking their clothes off too!!
Butt just lookit alla the beautifullishness that is everywheres nowabouts!! LOOKIT!! ...................
I like it, guys!! Sooperlots, even!!
Can you feel alla the hustlebustle going a 'way!!?? ME TOO!! Taking it easybreezy with The Naturemama is the BESTEST for when you are felling lotsa tuckeredness or for when you are all burnt out from having to GO-GO-GO allatimes!! Try it!! You will see!! .......................
Lookit Mirabelly!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
She is still getting waymorebetter from her sickybickiness, so she does not feel 'mazing allatimes just yet, butt she luvluvloves The NatureMama, guys!! Sure does!! ....................
ME TOO FOR REALS!! I could hang out with her the whole, entire daytimes!!
OH!! Hey!! Wanna see some more picturestories from last nightynightimes when I was inna charity fashion show and stuff!! YOU DO!!?? Okeedoke!!
Then point your lookingmarbles THISAWAYS!! .....................
TA DA!! 😊❤️
It is ME, Guys!! ARCHIE BRINDLETON in my shinynew fancyclothes made special for this show!!
'Course this is backstage in the GREENROOM that is not green!! Yup!! At the CHARITY MEN FASHION EVENT for the KIdney Foundation of Canada!! ............................
So fars, I have only littlebits of picturestories 'cuz Mum could not go, plus Pop came on stage with me!! Yes!! I had to keep him sooperclose so's he did not wander off guys!!
Plus 'cuz he was on stage with me, he could not make any picturestories for us BUTT.... there was professional-type picturetographers there, so soon as they share the picturestories they made, I will share them with you, K? K!! PROMISEFACE!! ...................................
Here is me waiting to start the show, guys!! I am getting all nervous and stuff!! I did some practicetimes with Pop, butt without alla the musicsounds plus cheerings, plus clappings and stuff, so I dunno what is gonna happen!! It is crazybananas out there!! ....................
Looks like there is big piles of peoples out there too!! WOWZERS!! ....................
Alla the other gentlemens are all gussied up, waiting for there turn after me, guys!! This is a big dealio for reals!! ............................
OKEEDOKE!! Now is when I go-go-go out to start the show, everybuddy!!
Wish me luckiness, K? K!! LET'S DO IT!! .....................
Sure glad I am here in the outsideplace nowabouts, guys!! It was CRAZYBANANAS for reals up on that stage and stuff!! You would not even bleeve how LOUD with 'citement plus musicsounds, plus clappings it was plus there was even peoples talkings 'bout me onna sooperloud speakerbox and everythings!!
Everybuddy sure looked happy to see me, butt I could not even hear POP talkings at me, so it did not go like we practicetimes, guys!! Nope!! Not even!! Sure hope I did AOK 'cuz I did my bestest for reals!! YES!! ........
I will share alla the picturestories I can get latertimes, guys!! For the nowabouts, me plus Mirabelly wanna check out more of alla the beautifullishness with The NatureMama, K? K!!
Butt we will see you latertimes to say HappyMerryWeekendtimes and stuff!! YES!!
Have a 'MAZING Fridaytimes, plus 'member to not forget:
😊😄😃 HAVE SOME FUN!! 😃😆😝
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️