Hi guys!! 😊❤️😘❤️☺️❤️
Golly!! It is nice to see your faceparts this nightynightimes!! Sure is!! Plus did you know!!?? Me plus Mirabelle are still littlebits poopered from alla the Halloweening we did last nightynightimes!! .........
Oh!! Hey!! That 'minds me!! I was thinkingthoughts 'bout our Halloweeningtimes Costumeclothes, plus that 'minded me that our JUNGLEBED is wearing costumeclothes too!!
Sure is!! Can you see!!?? THIS is our junglebed, guys!! Seriousface!! Butt now it is wearing a big sock for helping Mirbelle feel waymorebetter!! ..............................................
See..... Mirabelly is sooper 'llergic to DUSTY MITES, guys!! Plus they luvluvlove to hang out in puppybeds and stuff!! Yup!! So Mum plus Pop traded some dollarpennies for costumeclothes to put on alla our comfybeds now!! .........................
Plus it is totally helperating, guys!! Did you know what ELSE!!??
Mirabelly's special HEALER LADY came to visit Monday nightynightimes, plus after doing a whole buncha testingtimes and stuff, she says Mirabelle is doing WAYMOREBETTER!!
BUTT.... it is going SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW guys!! So it is gonna take some times 'fore Mirabelle is good as shinynew!! Yes!! Butt still soopergood news!! .....................................
Yup!! Now is the part when I askerate you guys if you would like to see some soopercool picturestories from when I went to FIRE STATION #12 for TAKE YOUR KIDS TO WORK DAY!!
I am not even joshing!! A whole buncha juniorpeoples came to do brainlearning 'bout FIRE SAFETY, so that is how come I got n'vited!! YOU WILL SEE!! .........................
Hey guys!!
This is me, Fire Safety Dog, plus Assistant Chief Archie Brindleton at the insideparts of Fire Station #12!! Yup!! ............................
This is a pretty 'portant Fire Station, guys!! Yes!! This is where alla the EMERGENCY RESPONSE stuff hangs out!! It is soopercool!! .............................
Wanna see somethings ELSE soopercool!!?? Then have a looksee at who is putting onna FIRE SAFETY SHOW right nowabouts!! .....................
It is my bestest friendlyfriend, FIREFIGHTER JASON!! Yup!! ........................
He is brainlearning alla these juniorpeoples 'bout how to use a FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER (Fire Extinguisher)!! Yup!!
It can be soopertough to brainlearn juniorpeoples, guys!! 'Specially the TEENAGER kind!! Butt everybuddy luvluvloves Firefighter Jason's soopercool brainlearning show!! Check it out!! ................
See that TVBOX on the left-paw side!!?? That is a sooperspecial robot that pretenderates to be a FIRE, guys!! For reals!! Plus... that juniorperson is holding a sooperspecial Fire Putter-Outter that talks to the TVBox!! That way everybuddy can do practicetimes 'bout HOW TO PUT OUT FIRES!! Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? ..........................
THIS Juniorperson got to try it too!! So.... when she pulled the pin, plus squeezed the lever-thingy, it is just like a for reals FIRE is getting putted out!! AMAYZAZING, amirite!!??
Basically everybuddy wanted to try it, guys!! It is sooperawesome!! Just like a for reals one, you gotta...
YUP!! 'Member to use it all up to make sure the fire goes out!! Plus... if it does not go out in 'bout 30 seconds, then GET OUT, PLUS STAY OUT, GUYS!! ............................
Then firefighters like this burlyman did talkingtimes 'bout why they wanted to be a firefighter!! Mostly all firefighters say the same thing:
- I want to help people
- I did not want to work at a desk job
- I want a job that keeps me in shape
- I want a job that is challenging
- I want lots of training so I can learn new things
- Plus I want to work with ARCHIE BRINDLETON!!
Ha ha!! I am just joshing, guys!! I put that lastest one in for bellychuckles!! ........................
Then I got to help brainlearn a 'nother bunch of juniorpeoples on what happens when there is a SOOPERBAD DISASTER!! Yes!!
Everybuddy got to make-believe somethings sooperbad was happening to our citytownsburg!! Juniorpeoples got to pretenderat to be the MAYOR, plus FIRE CHIEF, plus POLICE CHIEF, plus alla the most 'portantist peoples!! Yup!! Then everybuddy worked together to keep our city safe!! Basically it was AWESOMETIMES!! ......................
Can you see me!!?? Hee hee!! Then I got to do exploradventuring allover the whole entire Fire Station!! Yup!! Plus now you can too!! CHECK IT OUT!! ..........................
Neato, amirite!!?? IKNOW!! It is not every daytimes you get to see what is inside a FIRE STATION guys!! That is for reals!! ................................
Plus after alla that stuff, I got to do my most favouritist part!! I got to make lots'nlots of INTHESAMEPLACEFRIENDS!! Yup!! That was the FUNNIST!!
So soopershanksh to FIREFIGHTER JASON plus alla the firefighters at Station #12, plus alla the juniorpeoples who came to do 'portant brainlearning!! You guys were 'MAZING!! .............................
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! 😊❤️
Now is the times for going to the Dreamingplace, so we will meet you there, K? K!!
Me plus Mirabelly have big piles of HappyHeartHugs for you 'cuz wanna know why!!??
'Cuz we luvluvlove you guys!!
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️