How is everybuddy doing this shinynew morningtimes!!?? Soopergood!!?? Awesometimes!!
Truestory, me plus Mirabelly would normaltimes maybe be littlebits bummed 'cuz of alla the rainingdrops in the outsideplace, butt... not for THIS daytimes!! Nope!! Not even!! .............................
We are not bummed even littlebits 'cuz wanna know why!!??
I am not even joshing!! If it is not rainingdrops then maybe we are even gonna go DOOP DEE DOOP exploradventuring at one of our most favouritist parks, butt even if it is too soakery in the outsideplace, it is still gonna be sooperfun awesometimes when they visit our foreverhome n'stead!! YUP!! ....................................
Sure hope the rainingdrops go a 'way for the afternoontimes, butt.... WeatherWizards says prolly NOPE, so prolly we are gonna hang out here and stuff!! Prolly!!
Butt that is no biggie, long as we get to be inthesameplacefriends with one of our friendlyfriends, amirite!!?? 'ZACKLY!! Plus we will make a whole buncha picturestories for sharing with you!! Promiseface!! .........................................
OH!! Talkings 'bout SHARING 'minded me this daytimes is sooperspecial for whole other reasonings too!! Sure is!! Did you know that this daytimes is....................
CLICK the leafytree do more brainlearning 'bout The INTERNATIONAL DAY OF TOLERANCE!!
Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! Truestory for reals sure feels like the marbleworld could use waymorelots of this stuff, amirite!!?? Pretty much yup!! So... THIS is what the INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE is alla 'bout: Check it out!!
This day was created to encourage mindfulness and faith in human rights – in order to encourage equality and diversity across the world, the UN introduced The International Day for Tolerance in 1996.
There’s no doubt that a world free of tolerance would not be a good place to be. It is the belief of those supporting this day that such a world should never exist – and that everyone has a right to their expression, religion, and their conscience without fear of bias or ridicule. In addition, it teaches that a persons racial or religious background is inconsequential to the potential for tolerance and friendship between them.
The UN defines tolerance as respect, appreciate and acceptance of the diversity of the world’s cultures and all the ways that we are human. It is a human right to receive and should be expected to be practiced by not just individuals, but groups and states. Human rights is the core of this thought – as such, it supports the notion that humanity has the right to live in peace.
The International Day for Tolerance supports the notion that education is a key factor in preventing intolerance across the human race. On this day, we are encouraged to educate and learn how to practice solidarity between ethnic, social and cultural groups.
Pretty much it is alla 'bout HappyHeartHugs, guys!! Yup!! Plus know who ELSE Luvluvloves HappyHeartHugs!!?? Our bestest friendlypal, the DOGGIE LLAMA!! YUP!! ..................
WHOA!! The Doggie LLama has a good brainmelon, guys!! Sure does!! Plus he is one of the bestest at keeping his Heart full-up with Happy too!! Sure is!! One daytimes I wanna give him snugglesnorts, plus big piles of HappyHeartHugs too!! YES!!
Plus Mirabelle says she wants to jump on him for friendlyfriend face-boppings!! Ha ha!!
Golly!! I would luvluvlove to see that with my very own lookingmarbles!! Sure would!! ......................
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! I like that a whole bunch, guys!! That is just like me, plus my bestest buddypal, JASPER THE HANDSOME CAT!! I am a gentleman puppy, plus he is a gentleman kittiecat, plus we are BESTEST FRIENDLYFRIENDS!! It is basically amayzazing!!
So 'member to not forget to share lotsa HappyHeartHugs with extra KINDNESS this daytimes, K guys!! If we stick together and stuff, we can totally make a big difference!! YOU WILL SEE!! .....
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! It is still all soakery in the outsideplace, butt me plus Mirabelly have to go do our morningtimes chores, plus then.......
Yes!! Yummers for our tummers, guys!!.......................
So have a HappyMerryThursdaytimes,
plus a soopernice INTERNATIONAL DAY OF TOLERANCE too!! YES!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Me plus Mirabelle will see you guys latertimes to share picturestories from our visit with our special friendlyfriend, K? K!! It is gonna be the funnist!!
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys with all our HappyHearts!! ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️