I am sooper'cited to see your faceparts this morningtimes 'cuz wanna know why!!??
Firstofalls it is SHANKSHGIVINGTIMES in the Americaplace!! Yup!! 'Course my Canadaplace had our Shankshgivingtimes Octobertimes Number 9, so it is not happening where the Brindlebunch lives, BUTT... to everybuddy in the Americaplace, plus to alla their friendlyfriends, plus familypals, me plus Mirabelle plus the whole entire Brindlebunch hope you have the bestest most 'mazing-ist SHANKSHGIVINGTIMES in all of evertimes!! YES!! 🙂❤️😘❤️😍❤️ .............
For me, Archie Brindleton, it is maybe not Shankshgivingtimes, BUTT..... I am sooperdooper full-up with SHANKSHFULLNESS, guys!! Truestory!! 'Cuz I am get to go onna HappyHeartMission to WESTERN UNIVERSITY learningschool!! YUP!! You will see!! ........................
OKEEDOKE, guys!!
Here we are!! This is the buildinghouse where alla my friendlyfriends hang out in!! It is part of WESTERN ENGINEERING, plus this is where I do alla my HappyHeartMissions 'roundabouts here!! .........................
Just so's you know, Mirabelly is not all better e'nuff for coming with me BUTT.... truestory for reals even though she is a silly puppy who likes to do goofballery, plus bop faceparts and stuff....
NORMALTIMES when she is feeling AOK, she gets to come here too!! Seriousface!! It is basically the coolist!! So I can't even hardly wait for when she gets to come nextest times 'cuz it is sooperfun!! Lotsa the studentpeoples luvluvlove her sauce lots'nlots!! Hee hee!! .....................
Golly!! The ceilingsky is looking pretty mopey, guys!! That is for reals!! Prolly there is gonna be lotsa Hearts that need some Happy, don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! .....................
So let's GO-GO-GO, everybuddy!! To the insideplace to what is called a ..................
...STUDENT LOUNGE!! Yup!! Check it out!!
I get my very own wooden hill, plus I even broughted some of my business-type cards, plus even some sooperfun stuff to wear for making 'MAZING PICTURESTORIES!! ......................
OK!! Wait just littlebits, guys!! I am gonna put on my HOLIDAYTIMES PAJAMAMAN hat!! ...............
Meet CLARE TATTERSALL, everybuddy!! It was basically her whole, entire thinkingthoughts to have me come here to WESTERN ENGINEERING for HappyHeartMissions!! YUP!! She is 'mazing, plus made out of awesome, plus it is soopereasy to see she cares lots'nlots 'bout alla the studentpeoples!!
I luvluvlove to come here, plus to hang out with everybuddy for soperfun awesometimes, plus also for some cozypile snugglesnorts too!! Yup!! You can see for yourselfs!! .................
Pretty 'MAZING, amirite!!??
The studentpeoples who are feeling lonelytimes, or frazzled in the brainmelon get to come here so's we can hang out!! Someofthetimes they like to do talkingtimes and stuff, butt othertimes they like to just give my bellyparts rubbings, or even make snugglesnorts with me!! Basically it is the BESTEST!! ..........................
OH!! That 'minds me!! Check out what these soopernice studentpeoples are holding in their fingerpaws!! ......................
Can you see!!?? Guys...... That is what they call CANDY KABOBS for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!!
I could not even bleeve it!! CLARE says they are giving them to anybuddy who goes to their officeparts, so after my HappyHeartMission shift is over, I askerated if I could go too!! I wanted to see where they come from and stuff!! YES!! So latertimes..... WE TOTALLY DID!! ...................
Can you bleeve it!!?? Here at the officeparts where CLARE does her workerman work, there is piles of CANDYBITS so anybuddy who wants cheering up can builderate their very own CANDY KABOB!! ..........................
Great googilymoogily that looks yummy PLUS.... can you see!!?? It is a pictureposter telling everybuddy I am coming to visit!! YES!! Plus 'roundabouts here, lotsa peoples call me...
DOCTOR ARCHIE!! Hee hee!! .......................
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! I luvluvlove this picturestory 'cuz my POP is innit too, guys!! He is not in too many picturestories 'cuz he is basically HALF YETI or somethings!! Truestory, plus they do not like cameraboxes!!
Anyhoozle...... lookit alla the 'mazing TEACHERPEOPLES on the left-paw side, plus 'mazing studentpeoples on the right-paw side, plus me plus POP in the middleparts!! AMAYZAZING!! ........
So for this Americaplace Shankshgivingtimes, I want to say SHANKSH to CLARE TATTERSALL, plus to alla the other teacherpeoples who like when I come on HappyHeartMissions, plus SHANKSH to alla the friendly studentpeoples who I get to hang out with, plus a gigantical SHANKSH to alla you guys for being the bestest friendlyfriends in all of everywheres!!
Truestory me plus Mirabelly plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
😊❤️ See you latertimes!! ❤️😊
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️