Hey, everybuddy!! Check it out!! ❤️😊❤️😊❤️😊
Mirabelly is brainlearning me alla 'bout a sooperspecial kind of cozypile made with comfyblankets and stuff!! Yup!! Plus, bleeve you me it is AMAYZAZING in here!! ........................
Did you know!!?? It was getting pretty chillybilly in the outsideplace!! Yup!!
Plus Mirabelly does not like to get chillybilly, guys!! Nope!! Not even littlebits!! .........................
Truestory her brainmelon is mostly full-up with sauce, butt there is other stuffs in there too!!
Like how to builderate the most coziest cozypile in all of evertimes!! There is even lots'nlots of cozywarm degrees in here, for crying out Pete!! Pretty much it is magicalish, guys!! .........
I do not like to get all huggled in in comfyblankets, so much, butt our Mirabelle luvluvloves it!!
Seriousface!! She likes it even when she gets so sooperfirehot she starts to panting like a farmermans rollytractor!! Ha ha!! I am not even joshing!! .........................
So's even though I do not like to get all huggled up and stuff, I like getting chillybilly even WAYMORELESS!! That is for reals!!
So, Mirabelly made this soopercozy cozypile just for us!! Yup!! BUTT..... Just so's you know, Mirabelly is n'viting alla you guys to jump on in too!! For reals!! ..................
Guys... lookit!! That is the face Mirabelle puts on her face if peoples do not come over when she says!! YUP!! What happens after that is a whole lotta ... FACE-BOPPINGS!!
So prolly you should come over soopersoon, K? K!! Just sayin'!! Plus 'member to not forget:
BRING COOKIES!! ❤️😊.........
So now is when we say nightynightimes and stuff!! ❤️😊❤️😊❤️😊
Yup!! Sure hope we get to see you there, 'cuz me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove you guys!!
❤️😊 See you in the Dreamingplace, everybuddy!! 😊❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️