Oh! Hey, guys!! Goodmorningtimes!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Prolly you are not even gonna BLEEVE what the outsideplace looks like THIS morningtimes!! Nope!! Prolly not so much!! ......................
Ready for a looksee!!?? For reals!!?? OKEEDOKE!!
Hope you have a cozycoat on, 'cuz it is so chillybilly out there, even these picturestories are maybe gonna make your undercarriage all freezy!! Truestory!! .............
This is what everythings looked like when we went to the Dreamingplace last nightynightimes!! ...
Isn't that CRAZYBANANAS!!?? IKNOW!! so much fluffystuff!! Plus THIS is what it lookerates like NOWABOUTS!!...................
Not a whole lot differenter is it!!?? Nope!! Not even!! There has been a whole buncha fluffystuff put everywheres, PLUS it is seriousface freezy out there too!! I am not even joshing!!
Even WeatherWizard said it was gonna get TOO CHILLYBILLY for peoples to hang out in the outsideplace!! For reals!! ...................
Mirabelly is bummed, guys!! Prolly that means we are not gonna do any exploradventuring this whole entire daytimes!! All 'cuz of the GOOBER OLDWINTERMAN!! The goober!!
Truestory, he better not show his faceparts roundabouts here!! Nope 'cuz Mirabelle will-
Mirabelly thought she saw the Old Winterman for teensybits there, butt.... turns out it is just a regular-type guy inna gigantical cozycoat!! Yup. Butt LOOKIT MIRABELLE'S RIDGE, GUYS!!
That stands up when she is all ready to jump on somebuddy's faceparts!! Seriousface!! Sorta like the SPIDERYMANS SPIDERSENSINGS!! Yes!! It is Mirabelly's SAUCY SENSINGS!! Hee hee!! ..........
For everybuddy who has to go to the outsideplace this daytimes, take it REAL EASYBREEZY, K? K!! No joshing it is seriousface chillybilly out there, so wear lotsa cozycoats, plus wintertimes walkingsocks, plus a mitten on your brainmelon too!! PLUS.... if you are gonna ride inna rollycar, tell your rollycar to GO SOOPERSLOW FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! Yes!! Safety firstest, 'member!!
Me plus Mirabelly want everybuddy to be safe plus to keep their undercarriages cozywarm!! Yes!!
❤️❤️❤️ 'Cuz we luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
HappyMerryWednesdaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
😊❤️ Let's make it a good one, amirite!!?? 'Course!! ❤️😊
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️