Wakeywakey eggs'nbakey, everybuddy!! ππ
Goodmorningtimes and stuff too!! Yup!! How is everybuddy feelings this morningtimes!!?? Me plus Mirabelle hope you are saying "'MAZING!!" or maybe "AWESOMETIMES!!" or even TERRIFICAL!!" and stuff!! Yes!! ....................
We are doing soopergood for reals, butt... did you know!!??
The Old Winterman came back 'round when we were in the dreamingplace, so now everythings in the outsideplace is all covered in wintertimes fluffystuff a 'gain!! I am not even joshing!! ......................
Plus did you know what else!!??
In our shinynew 'partmenthouse I can see the outsideplace soopergood!! Yup!! From a buncha differental places too!!
Like this one on Mum's Piratebox!! Yes!! I just figured out I can see our oldentimer 'partmenthouse from here!! Seriousface!! I will show you and everythings!! ...................
Looks like MisterDennis has been shovellating alreadytimes!! Yup!! He is 'mazing at shvellational diggery, guys!! He cleans up the whole entire parking rodeo PLUS he cleans off everybuddy's rollycar too!! He is the BESTEST!! ...................
'Course over HERE at the frontparts is even waymorebetter onna 'count I can warm up my buttparts on the heaterfence!! Yes!!
THIS heaterfence has a hat onnit that neverever gets too stinkywarm, guys!! Nope!! Just perfectal for warming up buttparts PLUS.... from here I can see out the frontparts!!
have a looksee for yourselfs, K? K!! ..............
Two puppies saying "HI!!" with their peoplefriends plus a rollycar going by!! Soopercool!!
The frontparts have stuffs goings on allatimes, basically!! Yup!! Plus pretty soon alla the juniorpeoples will be doing goofballery in that learningschool grassyfield over there!! Truestory!! Prolly they will make some wintertimes sculpturepeoples too!! Prolly!! ..................
'Course my Mirabelle does not like climberating up to look at the outsideplace, so she will not come up here!! Nope!! Not even!! She does not like it even littlebits!!
She is funny that way 'cuz she is waymore athletical than me, Archie Brindleton, butt for the nowabouts, I am waymorebetter at jumperational leapery, pluis climberating, plus alla that stuffs!! I am not even joshing!! .............................
Anyhoozle........from me plus my "Mirabelly".....
HappyHappyEWednesdaytimes, everybuddy!!
For everybuddy who has lotsa wintertimes fluffystuff in the outsideplace, be soopercareful, plus don't overdo alla the shovellational diggery, K? K!! Take it real easybreezy, plus we will see you latertimes for more picturestories to share with you!! Yup!! Promiseface!!
See you latertimes!!