Pssst....... guys........ 😊💜 .........
Mirabelle is all sleepy in the brainmelon and stuff.
It is pretty cute and stuff, don'tchathink? ............
Truestory for reals she was just telling me, Archie Brindleton, that she is hoping lots'nlots of you guys will come meet her in the Dreamingplace 'cuz know why?? ..................
'Cuz she has gigantical piles of happyHeartHugs to share with you!!
Yup!! Plus she wants to make a soopersnuggly cozypile with you guys too!! Seriousface!! ............
Plus alsotimes she would like to bop your faceparts. 😊😊😊
So come find us in the Dreamingplace, K? You plus me, Archie Brindleton will builderate a gigantical cozypile, then when we are all done, plus squishelled in real soopercozy.......
Mirabelle will plop on top!! 😊😊😊
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! We luvluvlove you guys!!
H💜 H💜 H💜