Oh. Hey guys!! 😊😊😊
It is soopernice to see your faceparts and stuff!! Yup. Sorry I did not see you there 'cuz know why?? 'Cuz me plus Mirabelle are exploradventuring inna shinynew park, plus there is lotsa sooperweird noisysounds goings on 'roundabouts here, so we are using our listenator earparts to figure out who is maybe out here with us!! Yes!! ....................
Mirabelle says it is TROBBLINS. She is pretty sure. I dunno, guys. I am thinkingthoughts maybe it is .... bears..... or........ robots...... or maybe...................
😜😜😜 ROBOT BEARS!! 😜😜😜
Yes. Those guys are the WORSTEST, amirite!!?? 'Course!! 'Cuz you neverever know, guys.....
Could be TROBBLINS.... could be ROBOT BEARS..... could just be squirrellypeoples saying bad words at each other!! That happens lots'nlots too!! That is how come we are wayfarup on this boulderock!! So's we can do listenational hearings waymorebetter!! ...............
the most importantal part is just that we are here in the wilderwild exploradventuring inna shinynew park, guys!! YES!! That means I am gonna start writing PARK REVIEWS a 'gain!!
This will be (park review number 525) plus Mum plus Pop just helped check to see how many parks I have been to altogether, plus did you know!!?? I have been to...
Isn't that the coolist!!?? I did not even 'member that I have seen that many!! That means maybe I can see (SIX HUNDRED) 'fore this yeartimes is all done, guys!! (SIX HUNDRED!!) ...........
OH!! Plus... for some HappyFunTimes, here is when me plus Mirabelle founded some monkeyclimbers for juniorpeoples to do climberating on!! Yup!! Was sooperfun, plus we got so 'sooper'cited,, we had to do ZOOMERS GOOFBALLERY!! You will see!! ....................
So goodmorningtimes plus HappyHappyFridaytimes, guys!!
Just keep your lookingmarbles, plus listenators open for TROBBLINS plus maybe even ROBOT BEARS too!! Butt no worrythoughts, 'cuz if we all stick together, not even goober dingus guys like that can stop us from having big piles of Fridaytimes HappyFunTimes, K?? K!!
💜💜💜 'Cuz that is what friendlyfriends do and stuff!! 💜💜💜
See you latertimes, everybuddy!!
😊💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 😊💜
H💜 H💜 H💜